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Ashley dragged her mother into the Nursery. More changing tables were shooting up like weeds all around the party, but this was the only one that still afforded some privacy. Sonja chose to interpret this as a sign that her daughter, despite being controlled by the unholy forces that governed this party, was still on her side, for what it was worth.

“Ma'am, are you ready to pick out your diapers?” asked Ashley, still using that affected “cop” tone.

Sonja sighed. “There's no way out of this is there?”

“I'll do you a favor and pretend I didn't hear that.” said Ashley. “Now, I have to book you for wearing big-girl pants at a Willtopian formal event, and also for unlicensed potty-training. If you wish to contest these charges, you can talk to Will, who of course has the final say on all matters, legal and otherwise. Do you understand the charges as I have described them to you?”

Sonja drew in breath through her teeth. “I guess?”

“The punishment will be less severe if you cooperate fully, ma'am.” said Ashley.

“Fine! Let's just get this over with.” sighed Sonja.

Sonja began undoing her belt.

“What are you doing, ma'am?” asked Ashley.

“Taking off my pants. No need for you to watch by the way!” snapped Sonja.

Ashley pushed Sonja down onto the changing table with surprising force. “Hey! What the hell?”

“Do you want to be booked for attempting a self-change as well, ma'am?” asked Ashley.

Sonja grumbled as her daughter pulled off her pants, shoes, and panties. She felt so exposed and vulnerable.

“Now, since you've failed to cooperate, I will begin your punishment now. For failing to wear appropriate attire at a formal event, I sentence you Punishment Diapers.”

Ashley tore a ticket from her book and shook it in the air above the changing table. Before Sonja's eyes, it transformed into a diaper thicker than any she had seen tonight. It looked more like a pillow than a diaper. Ashley explained it as she slid it under Sonja's bum.

“This diaper will magically compel those around you to spank you, call you rude names, and ignore anything you say. You will be unable to get a change for a full 24 hours.”

Sonja wanted to scream, but she gritted her teeth in frustration as Ashley sprinkled her with baby powder and taped the ludicrous diaper closed. She felt the bulk between her legs, and knew that for the next day, she would have a very noticeable diaper waddle. She was also certain that no one she spoke to would be able to show her the least bit of respect.

Ashley wrote out another ticket. “For the unauthorized potty training, I am sentencing you to two weeks community service.”

Ashley slapped the ticket against Sonja's forehead. It rapidly sank into her head like a pebble into a still pond. Sonja felt her mind being rearranged against her will. Whole swathes of knowledge, ideas, and instincts were rapidly rewritten.

“Oh! Oh my goodness! Sweetheart, you're wearing big girl panties!” she said, rising from the changing table. “May I change you, honey?”

Ashley lay on the recently vacated table. “Yes please. At once!” she said in her new policewoman's voice.

Sonja selected a diaper off the shelf. It had an image of Sleeping Beauty on the front. She got to work putting her college-aged daughter back into diapers. With the ticket lodged in her brain, all she could feel was regret for having neglected her daughter's diapering for so long. Once the diaper was properly fitted and taped, she leaned and gave the padded butt a big kiss.

“MMMMaaa! There, finally back in diapers. Can you forgive your dumb mama for potty-training you honey?” she asked.

Ashley climbed off the table. “The important thing is that you're doing what it takes to change your ways. Come on, we have a lot more wrong-doers to apprehend.”

Will lead Christine by the arm toward the playpen. “I wish I was immune to the effects of The Playpen.” he said.

Christine punched him lightly on the arm. “Wiiiiilllll!” she whined. “Why don't you join in on the fun?”

Will pinched her nose playfully. “Because, I'd rather watch your little brain melt into orgasmic joy! You're going to be soooo stupid in here!”

Christine looked out over the low plastic wall of the vast playpen. Dozens of women of all shapes and sizes were in there, squealing with joy and humping each other senseless. She knew that once she was in there, it would be nigh impossible for her to remember her arrangement with Janet. She drew back.

“Ummm, Will? I'm scared.” she said.

“That is so cute! What are you afraid of?”  he asked.

“What if I go in there, and I can never get out? What if I'm stuck humping and drooling until the end of time?”

Will chuckled. “Like that would be so terrible!Sweetheart, this thing is only for the party. If I kept it around all the time, no one would ever want to do anything else! Come on, I'll pull you out before too long, and we'll go ride the moon rocket or explore the Bouncy Castle. There's so much to do here! Whatever we want, in fact!”

Christine looked out across the white and yellow squares. It really did look like fun in there. “Could you...like...make it so it only affects me half the time?”

Will's brow raised. “Ooooh. You want to be able to feel ashamed of all that wanton behavior. Kinky! You've got it, babe. I wish that Christine would be immune to the effects of the Playpen every other minute.”

Christine nearly sighed with relief. Now she could get the best of both worlds. She stepped over the boundary of The Playpen. Will followed.

“I don't feel anything.” she said.

“Give it a minute. Come on! Lets go see the locals.” said Will, again leading her off by the arm.

Christine enjoyed the feel of bouncy plastic sheeting under her bare feet. Up ahead, she saw a group of woman, all in matching white cloth diapers with gold safety pins. She recognized two of the women merrily humping each other on the plastic ground.

“Hey! It's Shelly, and um...I guess Fatty!” she said.

The two women turned, distracted briefly by hearing their names. “Hugs!” they cheered, and promptly went back to humping one another. Another woman was behind Shelly, ramming her crotch into her padded backside.

Will grabbed the chubby woman by her shoulders and pulled her out of the pile. “Hey, its Mrs. Crumley! How ya doing? Did you miss me?”

Mrs. Crumley eyes were empty of recognition. She just hugged Will and began humping against him. “Awww! I love you too!” he chuckled.

Christine felt something change. The strange golden light coming from the rubbery surface under feet began to seep into her brain. She jumped down and gave Shelly a hug from behind. “I wanna hug!” she cheered as her thoughts disappeared under an avalanche of affection and sensual pleasure. Her diaper shifted into a cloth with gold pins, and her pussy ached for relief. The whole world was bouncy plastic, fluffy cloth,  and warm, soft flesh.


The voice caused Lady Happiness to turn from Marcy, who was lying on the changing table. Her training pants were soggy, and she was upset at having failed to reach the potty. It didn't even matter that there no bathrooms anywhere that might have visited. The feeling of deep shame radiated from her wet pull-ups.

“Yes?” asked Lady Happiness to the diapered police officer approaching her with ticket book in hand.

“I'd like to know what exactly you think you're wearing, young lady.” said Ashley, her professional demeanor somewhat undermined by the image of Sleeping Beauty smiling on her diaper. Lady happiness glanced downward. “This is my costume. I'm a superhero.” she explained.

Ashley reached forward and felt the fabric of Lady Happiness' leotard. “just as I suspected! You're wearing big-girl panties at a Willtopian formal event. I'm afraid this is a serious offense, Ma'am.”

Lady Happiness sighed. She had been reasonably certain that her adult underwear were a temporary privilege. “I don't suppose you would be any more lenient if I told you that Will himself dressed me like this?” she asked the  woman meekly.

Officer Ashley shook her head. “Unless he also made you immune from the law, I'm afraid that doesn't cut it. And what is this?” she grabbed the waistband of Marcy's pull-ups. Marcy buried her face in her hands.

“Are you potty-training this poor thing?” asked Ashley.

“Um...yes.”Admitted Lady Happiness. “That was also Will's wish for me.”

Ashley blanched. “Well, I suppose if it is authorized it is acceptable, but not here at a formal event. All potty-training is suspended tonight, including mine and yours. I'm afraid I'm going to have to issue you a ticket for yourself and another for your charge here.”

Ashley tore the ticket out of her book. It flew between Lady Happiness' legs and inserted itself into her underwear. She felt it rapidly expand, leaving her with a very visible diaper bulge. Another ticket flew between Marcy's legs.

“Oooh!” groaned Marcy, as she felt her guts churn. She closed her eyes as she began helplessly pushing poop into her pull-ups. It didn't leak, of course, but expanded impossibly to accommodate her mess.

Lady Happiness sighed with pleasure as her own digestive tract followed suit. She heard Beverly chuckle at her  from behind her as her costume stretched around her own mess.

“Lady Happiness, both you and your charge here will have to be changed every five minutes for the rest of the evening. That will be sufficient penance for your offenses.” finished Ashley.

Lady Happiness saluted. “Thank you for your kindness, Officer. Anything I can do to be of assistance to the law?” She was grateful that Jasmine and Bitna were off riding the Moon Rocket. She made a mental note to return Bitna to diapers before she got another ticket.

Ashley smiled. “I'm you and I will be working together closely in the future.” She extended a hand. Lady Happiness shook it.

“Now, I guess I need someone to change me now. Any suggestions?”

Will and Christine lay against the wall of flab that was Fatty. Fatty was still lovingly humping Shelly, but she was big enough now to provide comfortable seating for multiple guests. She resembled a sumo wrestler now more than the slightly overweight woman she had been last week.

Will looked at Christine. She had sweat on her forehead, but judging by the light in her eyes and the glossy plastic of her diaper, she was in one of her lucid periods.

“Enjoying your evening?” he asked.

She grabbed Will's inexhaustible beer stein off the bouncy ground and handed it to him. “Very much!” she said. She wasn't lying. Not about that.

“Are you ready?” he asked. He didn't say for what. She could guess. Even after everything he had done tonight, she sensed the excitement in his voice. Even stranger, she sensed that he was nervous. That made her smile all the more as he drained the stein once again.

“Yeah.” she whispered softly. The smell of Fatty's diaper was heavy in the air. The fact that that made her more willing rather than less was a testament to the strange atmosphere of Willtopia. She hoped that she was doing the right thing.

Will leaned in and kissed her. On the lips, then the cheek, then the neck, and heading downward. He opened his pants, revealing something that Christine was fairly certain was a gift bestowed by magic rather than nature. She sighed with pleasure and leaned back into Fatty's soft belly. As the magic of The Playpen seeped into her once more, Will gently pulled aside her diaper. Surrounded by mindless women having the night of their lives, they made love. Christine's consciousness faded in and out as they went about it, over and over, as the vast galaxies spun gently above them.


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