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Part 15

Shelly was having a wonderful time at the party. After feeding Fatty a generous meal from the buffet, a woman had whispered to her from amongst the crowd.

“Pssst! Shelly! Over here!”

Sophie had just disappeared and Janet was distracted, so no one noticed her as she scampered off to obey the voice. With the Obedience Diaper around her waist, it was her purpose and her joy to obey any command, even a poorly stated one. Fatty followed after her, as adoring and servile as ever.

The short, chubby figure led her through the crowd, until they reached the far side of the gardens. There, a group of women, some familiar to her and some not, were gathered. She now recognized the woman who had beckoned her as Mrs. Crumley, Will's old geometry teacher and current cocksucker. She pulled her thumb from her mouth to address the small knot of women.

“Check it out! I caught us a bitch!” said the middle-aged woman proudly.

Shelly stood smiling at the group, waiting for one of them to give her an order. The anticipation of being bossed around was almost as good as the obedience itself. Huffing and puffing, Fatty finally caught up with the group.

“You're asking for trouble, you know.” said a woman in a pantsuit and glasses with her hair in a bun. Shelly had met this woman as well, and knew that Will didn't like her much. That was probably why she was sitting on the grass eating from a bowl of what looked like canned spinach, when a buffet of the finest food in existence was just a short walk away.

“Hummon arissa...er...(pop) Come on, Clarissa. Will already hates you, and I'm stuck sucking my thumb for the rest of fucking time! Let's have some fun while we can. You remember this bitch, right? She's the one who wanted to change my name to Lady Widebottom!”

The other women present snickered a little at this. Clarrisa took another large spoonful of green muck and forced it into her mouth, clearly not enjoying it. After chewing for a long time, she finally swallowed. “I assure you, dear, I already tried that with the maid, and my ass is still sore from the punishment Sophie gave me. I'm just going to try and be good, and maybe Will will eventually decide to let me go, or at least turn me into something more pleasant.”

“Yeah!” said a tall woman wearing a labcoat and bunny ears. “Don't you want to be all happy and stuff like me?”

Mrs. Crumley was unmoved. “Shut up, Dumb-Dumb! You don't know anything!”

“Guilty as charged!” said Dumb-Dumb happily.

“And as for you...” said the former geometry teacher, turning back to Clarissa “...where's your spirit? Your zest for life? Will is back, so you'll probably be standing with your nose in the corner while he fucks you from behind soon, no matter what you do! But you're...y'know...sorta free now, so why not make the most of it?”

Clarissa's voice took on an edge, even though her diction was still flawless. “Ma'am, I'm being punished right now because I was once in a position of power over another person, and I decided to abuse that power for my own amusement. I did the same thing a few days ago, and I got the same result. I'm a slow learner, I admit that, but I'm no fool. I've learned my lesson.” she took another spoonful of the green paste.

Mrs. Crumley blew a raspberry in response.

“I don't see why you're making such a big deal out of this!” said another woman that Shelly didn't recognize. She was also dressed very conservatively, but her hair was tied into pigtails with two big purple bows. “Obedience is wonderful. All my students love getting bossed around. Doing whatever you're told is what life is all about. Isn't that right, my little pet?”

The woman was holding a younger woman on a leash. She was naked except for her dog collar, on which the words “Teacher's Pet” were proudly displayed. Angela lost no time in answering her teacher's question. She had had the proper response drilled into her in class that morning. “Yes, Doctor Butler! Obedience is Pleasure! Obedience is Life!”

“Good Girl.” said Dr. Butler. Angela gasped and shook with joy at the words.

“See, that's the right attitude!” said Mrs. Crumley. “Shelly, why don't you give Clarissa a good spanking! That always changes her attitude.”

Shelly was already moving before Mrs. Crumley finished speaking. Clarissa opened her mouth to protest, but Dr. Butler clapped a hand against her mouth. Shelly forced the struggling woman to the ground while Dr. Butler continued to silence her. The spanking began, and Mrs. Crumley supervised.

“Pull that skirt out of the way! The panties too. She's got to really feel it!”

Shelly gladly obliged. She felt neither anger toward Clarissa, nor compassion for her pain, nor loyalty toward Mrs. Crumley. She felt nothing except the joy of obeying. After a few good spanks, Clarissa stopped struggling and began passively accepting her punishment. Dr. Butler released her mouth.

“Who's ready to be good girl?” asked Dr. Butler.

“Ah! I am! Me!” said Clarissa between spanks. Angela, Shelly, and Fatty raised their hands as well. Mrs. Crumley put her hands to her hips, surveying the small crowd of submissives.

“You can stop now, Shelly.” said Mrs. Crumley, in no great hurry. “Well Doctor, I think we have four gals here who are ready to swing to our beat! What shall we do with them?”

After some deliberation, the two women decided to have a race. After some careful instructions, Shelly and Fatty sat on all fours with their backs together to form a seat for Mrs. Crumley, while Clarissa and Angela did the same for Dr. Butler. The two teams raced each other around the garden as Dumb-Dumb chased them, cheering them on. Fireflies danced back and forth and penguins tried unsuccessfully to deliver drinks as the women played. Of the seven women present, Shelly was the one who enjoyed it all the most.

Jillian was having a less pleasant evening. Janet had left with her mother and sister to go find some gourmet food, the Happy Cadets were off playing in the grass with a friendly tiger, but Jillian adamantly refused to do two things: leave the Nursery in her embarrassing new underwear, and do her business in said underwear.

“Oh, good lord! It's like I'm about to give birth to a baby rhinosaurus!”

Lady Happiness was still her usual cheerful self, but was getting annoyed at Jillian. All her whining was upsetting Beverly, and she needed to keep an eye on her cadets.

“Sweety, we've been over this. Just make a big mess in your diaper and you'll feel so much better. Then I can change you, and you can go play. Holding it in is what's hurting you.” she said, rocking Beverly back and forth in her arms to calm the bawling woman.

Jillian was competing with Beverly for the title of “Most Inconsolable Diaper Girl”. She was losing, obviously, but making a real effort.

“I caaaaaann't!” moaned the reporter. “Don't you understand? I can't bear it. The humiliation...it's just too much!”

Lady Happiness' compassionate nature wouldn't allow her to leave this crying woman under these circumstances, however much she wanted to go looking for her cadets. She decided to employ stronger measures.

“Honey, I'm sorry that this isn't what you prefer, but this is just the reality of life in Willtopia. I got fairly lucky and got turned into a superhero, even though all I really do is change diapers for a bunch of women who by rights should be able to take care of themselves.”

Beverly let out a wail at this statement, forcing Lady Happiness to backtrack. “Oh, I didn't mean you, sweetpea! I love changing your stinky diapees! Yes I do! Yes I do!”

Lady Happiness blew a loud raspberry on Beverly's tummy, which interrupted the woman's distress and forced an emotional reset. She giggled and piddled happily into her Crybaby Diapers.

“My point is, dear, its not your fault. Beverly here didn't decide to be a Crybaby for life, my cadets certainly didn't sign up for a lifetime of futile potty-training, and you didn't decide that you would make a great big poopy mess in your diaper. That's all outside our control. We're all just trying to play the cards that Will has dealt us. Have you ever gotten a massage? Its the same principle. The more you relax and let it happen, the better you'll feel. Don't worry. Anyone who would laugh at you is a fool. My odds of escaping this evening with clean panties are really not much better than yours. You've met Will. When he sees a woman wearing underwear appropriate to their age, he sees an opportunity to improve things. Does that make sense, honey?”

Jillian didn't seem to be listening. She was still sweating and straining, trying to hold in a mess that defied the laws of human biology.

“Okay! I tried.” said Lady Happiness. She abandoned strong measures and moved onto desperate ones. In a flash of motion, she moved over to the crib and gently deposited Beverly into it. She bent forward and gave the older woman an affectionate kiss on the head. She whispered: “Can you sit quietly here for a little while I sort out ol' Fussy-Pants McBooBooBritches?”

Beverly giggled behind her pacifier and nodded that she could.

Utilizing her super-speed, Lady Happiness grabbed Jillian and hauled her out of Christine's Nursery.

“Whhhhaaaaa!!!! screamed the diapered reporter as Lady Happiness left the ground. They soared over the gardens, and out over the city. The city was dark now, but the sky above was lit with an incredible light show of swirling, twinkling stars.

“What are you doing?!” screamed Jillian.

Lady Happiness laughed. Flying was easily her favorite thing about her new life. “Just doing a little sightseeing! Why, what are you doing?”

Jillian realized that in all her excitement over traveling at the speed of a bullwhip and seeing those massive galaxies again, she had entirely lost track of the weight on her bowels. Over the sound of wind blasting past her ears, she could just make out a soft squelching noise.

“Ahhhh! I'm pooping! I'm ppppoooopping!!!” she screamed. To her surprise, the feeling of the soft, squishy mess being uncontrollably pumped into her waiting diaper was far more pleasant than she had expected. She gasped and sighed as her diaper swelled far past any normal limits of elasticity. The shit kept coming, and she found herself gazing out at the vastness of the cosmos in total ecstasy. She relaxed in Lady Happiness's arms as the sweet relief washed over her, accompanied by a wet, squishy orgasm.

Lady Happiness turned around and headed back toward the gardens. She had four other big babies to look after as well, after all.

A fanfare of trumpets suddenly sounded. Janet looked up and saw a velvet couch hovering in the air above the garden. On it were Will and Christine, lit from above by a beam of light that seemed to come from outer space. Will addressed the the crowd in a booming voice.

“Ladies and...um...hm, Other Ladies! Your Attention please! Welcome to the launch party of the new realm of Willtopia, where joy reigns and fun never ends! All the guests have arrived and the exits have been sealed, so its time to get down to some serious partying! Lets clear some room for the main attractions!”

The two long tables covered in gourmet food suddenly lifted into the air and sailed away into the night. A golden glow rose up from the ground, and a large section of the garden began to transform.  A waist-high wall of plastic bars surrounded the area, and stuffed animals began raining down on the woman who happened to be standing inside it. They found their feet suddenly sinking into the padded ground. The grass had transformed into a soft plastic material with a yellow and white checkerboard pattern. Trees and bushes were replaced with huge stuffed toys. The area continued to grow, sweeping backward toward the opposite side of the garden.

“First of all, The Playpen! Within this magical space, cares and worries vanish, replaced by the  pleasure of simple play!”

Will began speaking quickly, as delivering the finale of a pharmaceutical commercial. “The following items are prohibited in the play area: Shoes, Panties, Self-Control, Shame, Dignity, Frowns, Intelligence, Obligations, Self-Awareness, Boredom, Depression, Hostility, Responsibility, Loose-fitting Jewelry, and Sexual Repression. Enjoy!”

Meanwhile, Mrs. Crumley was gaining on Dr. Butler. “Faster!” she ordered. Shelly and Fatty, her valient steeds, were honestly doing their best. Shelly wanted so badly to obey and go faster, but that would contradict another order about staying next to Fatty. The feeling of being unable to complete an order while wearing an Obedience Diaper was decidedly unpleasant. It was like gears stripping in her brain. Dr. Butler's team was right in front of them. Dumb-Dumb walked nearby, cheering them on and easily keeping up with the ridiculous race.

Suddenly, Shelly noticed that the springy turf she ahd been crawling across had turned into a yielding plast sheet. It was easier on her knees. It was glowing, too. A warm yellow light suddenly suffused the gardena round them. The trees and bushes melted away, and a shower of plush toys rained down. She stopped crawling.

“Faster, I said! Wai...wha?” said Mrs. Crumley.

Everything changed. Shelly realized that she no longer had to obey Mrs. Crumley, or anyone. She crawled away from Fatty, and Mrs. Crumley fell to the  bouncy ground.

Only a few feet away, Dr. Butler's human wagon also fell apart, the seven women looked at each other, feeling suddenly light and carefree. Mrs. Crumley smiled softly, and the others smiled back. Nothing that had mattered a moment ago mattered now, that much was certain. The lust for power and dominance, the joy of obedience and surrender, spite, jealousy,competition, status, fear; it all felt unbelievably silly and trivial. They sat and giggled together on the bouncy ground, all their plans and rivalries forgotten. Right now, they were just people, sitting together, happy just to be alive.

Mrs. Crumley's skirt disappeared in a shower of golden dust, replaced by a cartoonish cloth diaper with big golden safety pins. She looked at it, and giggled. One by one, diapers appeared on Dr. Butler, Clarissa, and Angela. They all giggled. They felt so good here. The plastic sheet beneath them felt like a water bed, bouncy and comfortable. Dumb-Dumb was soon diapered as well, and that was fine. The golden light seemed to seep into them, making them feel warm and weightless. The feeling grew more intense as they sat staring at one another. One by one, an urge hit them. Not an unfamiliar urge, but one that none of them had felt in a long time. Shelly felt it strongly, and she understood what it meant. Her pussy pulsed inside her Obedience Diaper, but what she was feeling was only distantly connected to her sexual desires. Slowly, she got to her feet and waddled over to Fatty. She opened her arms wide, and said the single word that now seemed to sum up her entire being.

“Hugs!” she squealed gleefully.

“Hugs!” agreed Fatty with identical excitement. The two embraced each other, and fell to the bouncy floor together. Mrs. Crumley joined in, and then everyone else did. All memory of their old lives vanished from their minds; nothing mattered except the desire touch and squeeze and embrace. The women rolled around, laughing and cuddling, feeling nothing but joy, excitement, and love for one another. Soon, as the women's sexual instincts began to assert themselves, the rolling and cuddling developed into excited humping. They giggled as they thrust their diapers against each other. Soft hisses and noisy farts began to sound from their soft diapers, but none of them cared in the slightest whether their diapers were clean and pristine or wet and stinky. There was no shame or self-awareness is this world of pleasure and unbridled affection. The world was soft and lovely, and there was no reason to ever be anything but friends.

Will continued to address the crowd. “Next, a few rides! The Moon Rocket leaves every five minutes, so don't forget to get a seat!”

In another corner of the garden, a launch-pad materialized, on which sat what looked like an enormous toy rocketship. It's silvery hull caught the light of the galaxies above it. The gangplank was extended, welcoming anyone who dared.

“Visit the Golden Zoo, where everyone is transformed into their favorite animal!”

A section of the rose garden was now surrounded by golden cage bars. The interior suddenly looked like a rainforest.

“And try the Bounce House, where space is warped, time is bendable, and gravity is optional!

An inflatable bounce house sprang up near the playpen. Looking at it, Janet realized that she couldn't actually tell how big it was, or how many chambers it contained. From every angle, it had long halls and labyrinths of bouncy inflatable plastic stretching backward into infinity.

“Just because the buffet has closed is no reason to go hungry! Waiters, bring out the refreshments!”

Another troop of waddling penguins came into the clearing. These weren't carrying champagne glasses, however. Instead, their trays were covered in dozens of baby bottles in all sizes and colors. Each was clearly labeled. Words like “Weak”, “Lazy” and “Boom-boom” were joined by dozens of new flavors. “Stupid”, “Tiny”, “Giant”,“Horny”, “Fat”,“Good”, “Silly”, “Forget”, and “Cute” were all available.

“Now, we all like to have a good time, but even this party needs some rules. As such, I shall arbitrarily select an officer to enforce the laws of the party!”

Will materialized a police officers cap in his hand and threw it into the air. It spun around like a boomerang and did several circles in the air above the crowd. Finally it swooped down and perched itself on the head of Ashley, Janet's younger sister. Her eyes went wide.

“Enjoy the party, ladies! More surprises are on the way!” announced Will, the velvet couch finally coming to rest. He manifested another stein of beer, then headed toward the playpen with Christine's hand in his.

Janet wondered what sort of weird trick this was, and whether her sister could handle it. “Uh, Ash? You okay?”

“Yah!” said Ashley, not very convincingly. “I just...uh...wow! I have to enforce the law now! Weird!”

“What...what kind of law?” asked their mother, concern obvious on her face.

Ashley suddenly turned toward her mother, her expression suddenly serious. Her simple blouse and jeans transformed into what looked like a cheap policewoman's Halloween costume.

“Ma'am, are you aware that you're in violation of the party dress code?” said Ashley, a ticket book materializing in her hands.

“What! What are you talking about? You can't talk to me that way.” said Sonja.

“Just go with it, Mom.” cautioned Janet. “There's nothing she can do about it. This is Will's world now. We just live here.”

“Ma'am, I am referring to your underwear. Panties are strictly prohibited at this event.”

Sonja cheeks burned. “What! You're wearing panties too! What kind of rule is that?” shouted their mother.

“Ma'am, I will thank you to maintain a civil tone when addressing an officer of the Diaper Law. I'm afraid I will have to issue you a ticket, and escort you to ensure that your butt is brought into compliance.”

“You're wearing panties too!” Sonja repeated in an exasperated tone.

Ashley arched an eyebrow. “And who's fault is that? It was you who potty-trained me, wasn't it? That's another offense you'll need to rectify.”

“This is utter insanity!” growled Sonja, as her daughter grabbed her arm and dragged her away. Janet agreed, but didn't see anything to gain by belaboring the point. She decided to kill a few hours by heading toward the Golden Zoo. She didn't know when she'd have the opportunity to see through the eyes of an osprey again, so she wanted to try it out. Besides, the party was looking more and more risky as a place to hang out. She decided that her mother and sister would have to figure out their own problems.

Jillian sat on the grass. Well, more accurately, her diaper was sitting on the grass. It was so big now that her actual butt was suspended several feet above the grass, resting on a cushion of shit that supported her body like a bean-bag chair. Her face was a blazing, fire-engine red, both from abject humiliation, and worse, from unbelievable pleasure. Nearby, Lady Happiness was cradling Beverly in her arms, watching the Happy Cadets frolic on the lawn. Jillian moaned as yet another uncontrollable burst inflated her diaper further. It was literally impossible for any material to stretch like the glossy plastic of her diaper had to accommodate her endless mess, but the laws of physics were nothing next to the wishes of Will. In Willtopia, it was simply a fact that diapers could not leak, and the limitations of physics and chemistry would just have to deal with that. The stench from her mess was likewise beyond all belief, and Jillian's mind was reeling to try and cope with it. The truth was, it smelled exactly like one would expect a dirty diaper to smell, and that made the fact that Jillian now absolutely loved the smell even stranger. Her psyche was being torn to shreds by the mix of orgasmic delight and utter degradation.

“Please. Please, can't you change me? I can't bear it. I can't ever come back from this. It's too humiliating!”

Lady Happiness bounced Beverly on her hip. “I told you, honey, I'm not putting a fresh diaper on you until you're finished filling that one. Now, why don't you stop pretending you aren't enjoying this. I see you over there, having the time of your life.”

“But what if I get diaper rash! I can't sit in my poop all night!” whined the reporter.

“Diaper rash was eliminated from the world. It's technically an illness, so it doesn't exist anymore. Can't you just relax and enjoy the party?” said Lady Happiness.

“Yeah!” said Bitna, who had finally gotten bored of playing with the enormous man-eating predator that her fellow cadets were still giving a long tummy rub. “Here, I know what'll help!”

Bitna dashed off through the crowd. There were so many cheerleaders and clowns practicing their various performances that Jillian was only drawing some of their attention. Some pointed and laughed as her guts continued to gurgle the diaper continued to swell, even those who now sported thick padding of their own. With a sound like thunder, the Moon Rocket launched into the sky, carrying a group of passengers on a faster-than-light tour of the solar system. Bitna soon returned, with several baby bottles tucked under her arm. No doubt she had grabbed them from one of the penguins that wandered the clearing. She knelt next to Jillian's inescapable stinky prison and allowed the bottles to spill across the grass.

“Let's see...would you like to be Stupid? Or maybe Weak? Ooh, how about another dose of “Boom-boom” juice?”

Jillian shut her mouth with all her strength as Bitna shoved the bottle in her face. Despite it being the very magical substance responsible for her current circumstances, the temptation to drink more of it was almost more than she could handle.

“Come on! Drink it! Let's see what that diaper can really handle!” said Bitna, playfully poking the nipple into Jillian's cheek. “I'll bet you'd do it if I asked right!”

Bitna dropped the brown bottle and picked up a pink one. This one was marked “Cute”. She quickly and enthusiastically drained the faintly glowing liquid from the bottle, tossing the it on the grass once it was empty.

“Bitna! Don't litter on Will's nice...” began Lady Happiness, but she stopped. Bitna looked exactly the same as she had a moment ago, but suddenly her already adorable face and outfit seemed a hundred times cuter. Jillian and Lady Happiness both found themselves involuntarily cooing at the diapered woman.

“There! I bet you wouldn't say no to an adorabubble widdle cootie-patooti like me! Come on, drink your “Boom-Boom” ba-ba!”

Jillian was so entranced by Bitna's sudden cuteness that she had halfway finished the bottle before she realized what was happening.

“Come on, let's check out the zoo!” said Jasmine.

“I wanna try being an otter!” said Marcy.

Jillian was left alone on the grass. She watched the galaxies pass slowly overhead as the earth rotated. For once, she was glad to be small and insignificant. Her diaper, on the other hand, just grew and grew beneath her, as the sickening squelching sound rang in her ears.


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