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Warning: The following story is a Star Trek fanfic with heavy AB/DL  elements. May include: original characters, sexual situations, messy  diapers, mind control, humiliation, painfully unscientific technobabble,  weight gain, personality alteration, light surgical alteration, and a  conspicuous absence of male crew-members. Reader discretion advised.

Part 3

Commander Basu arrived in sickbay. The EMH turned away from scanning an ensign to greet her. “Welcome Commander. Take a seat here.” said the hologram of a cheerful, petite blonde woman. Priti questioned the wisdom of making the EMH look like a woman in her early-to-mid twenties. She certainly didn't look old enough to be an experienced physician. Of course, the program's actual age was in months, and making her look older would not improve her medical skills at all. Priti sat down on the empty bed the hologram indicated. Around her, she saw that most of sickbay was still full of her unconscious crewmates, but not as full as it had been. It seemed the EMH was on top of the medical situation.

“How is Dr. Nixila?” asked Priti as the hologram waved the medical tricorder back and forth.

“Resting comfortably now. She got quite a large dose of the radiation, so she'll need longer to recover. I'm more concerned about your condition, however.” she answered.

“Am I irradiated as well? I feel perfectly fine.” said Priti.

“Unfortunately, that's not always a reliable diagnostic method.” chuckled the hologram. She held up the medical tricorder. “That's why I have these! I'm afraid you have quite severe radiation poisoning. If you haven't felt the effects yet, you soon will. Not to worry though! It's quite treatable.”

Priti was very concerned. “I was on the bridge the entire time the shields were down. It's supposed to be the most heavily protected part of the ship. If I have radiation poisoning, the Captain certainly will.”

The hologram prepared a hypospray while Priti spoke.

“What is that?” asked the Commander conversationally.

“Just a little something to help you relax. It'll make the radiation purge go much more smoothly.” replied the chipper voice.

“A tranquilizer? Is that necessary? I can't be off-duty for long. There's a lot going on now that requires my oversight.” she said, instinctively backing away from the hypospray.

The doctor did not slow down. “Relax. This won't take long. We can't have you collapsing from radiation poisoning on duty, can we?” she said sweetly.

Priti grabbed the hologram's wrist. “Hey, listen to me! Stop! That's an order! Stop!”

The hologram's smile didn't waver. She ignored Commander Basu's protests and pressed the hypospray to her neck. Priti was strong, but she couldn't stop an advancing forcefield. She heard a soft hiss, and her body immediately felt numb.

“Nighty-night.” said the hologram as the world faded away.

When Priti came to, she lying on a comfortable medical bed. Her whole body felt very heavy. Slowly and with effort, she heaved herself into a sitting position. The lights in the sickbay were dimmed, as they usually were during the night. The beds around her were empty now, save for one, where Dr. Nixila was sleeping face-down.  Immediately, she wanted to know what time it was.

“Computer. Time.” she ordered.

“Twenty-three point four three hours.” announced the monotone voice.

“Midnight! I've been out all evening?” she yelled angrily.

“Negative.” responded the computer. Pritti rolled her eyes. Not only had the computer thought she was still talking to it, it considered the last seventeen minutes of the day significant enough to quibble over.

The holographic doctor emerged from the sickbay office vestebule. “Oh, you're awake! How do you feel?”

“Angry!” growled Priti. “You inoculated me against my will! If you were real, I'd have you court marshalled for that!”

The hologram was still smiling, but her hands rested on her hips in a display of authority. “Commander, with all due respect, as acting Chief Medical Officer, I outrank you in all medical matters. I wouldn't have innoculated you if it weren't medically necessary. Now, how do you feel?”

Priti sighed. “Dizzy, light-headed. Everything feels heavy. What happened? I felt fine before.”

“The radiation purge will have some lingering side-effects. You might have a bit of muscualar weakness for a little while.”

Priti leaned back in her bed. “Ugh. Why is the cure always worse than the illness!”

In truth, Priti didn't feel all that upset. Missing her duty shift likely meant that the Captain had had to take her place, and Ara had been feeling restless lately anyway. Shit! She had forgotten about the Captain!

“Doctor! Has the Captain been examined for radiation? What about the rest of the crew?”

“Relax, Commander. You'll be fit for duty tomorrow morning. Just try to get some rest, for now.” said the hologram.

“I would rest easier knowing that my friends are alright.” said Priti.

“Everything is fine. Stress will only aggravate your condition.” said the doctor in an overly soft tone.

“You're the one that stressing me out!” snapped Priti.

Quite suddenly, Priti felt a warm, wet sensation spill out from her crotch and down the leg of her uniform. She nearly screamed aloud when she realized that she had just pissed herself.

“Aw...aw...oh!” she was suddenly sitting in a puddle. The black fabric of her uniform did very little to conceal her accident. Even after realizing what was happing, she had no ability to stem the flow. It just continued until it slowly petered out.

“Ah, I see.” said the hologram. “Muscular weakness, as I said. Here, let me help you.”

“You...You're not gonna say anything about this are you?” asked Priti, clearly upset. If something like this got out, it would compromise the chain of command.

“Of course not. Doctor-patient confidentiallity is essential to my program” The hologram efficiently removed her pants and underwear. “Here, why don't you move to a new bed while I clean this up?”

Priti felt her cheeks burn as she got to her feet. If her legs hadn't felt so weak, she might have jumped in surprise when she felt the hologram's hands quickly clean her butt and crotch with a cool medicated wipe.

She stepped toward the empty bed on the far side of the room, but her legs buckled under her and she fell to the floor on her naked rear. Now it felt like her heart was desperately trying to pump all her blood directly into her face. She was just happy that the real doctor hadn't seen it.

“Whoopsie-daisy!” said the hologram. She walked over and helped the Commander to her feet. “Not quite ambulatory yet. Not to worry. It'll pass.” The doctor helped Priti across the room and onto the bed. Priti didn't quite understand why the hologram felt the need to hold her up with one hand on her ass, but she didn't see how she address that issue without sounding ridiculous. She sat with her naked rear on the bed and watched as the hologram soaked up her urine and wiped the bed clean. Once she was satisfied, she took the Commander's wet pants over to the sickbay replicator.

“Recycle.” she ordered. Priti didn't see why it was necessary to recycle her clothes rather than just laundering them.

“One incontinence brief, sized for Commander Basu.” Priti felt her spine fuse itself into a single piece. This was getting worse and worse!

The doctor returned, carrying the object in question. Priti could hardly bear to look at it. It actually looked very little like one of the white medical briefs she had seen before. Physical infirmity was a rarity in the Federation, but it did exist.Items of this type were typical simple and functional in design, to preserve the wearer's dignity. This, in contrast, had a thick lavender front decorated with images of flowers and butterflies, surrounded by bright pink plastic on the sides.

“No.” said Priti simply as the doctor displayed the colorful underwear.

The hologram seemed confused. “No?” it asked.

Priti crossed her arms. “I am not wearing those. What are they, training pants? Please bring me a new pair of uniform slacks.”

“Ma'am, I realize this is not what you prefer, but if you're having bladder problems...” began the hologram.

“Then I'll have to run my uniform through the laundry again.” said Priti bitterly. “What's the problem? I disintregrate and reassemble my uniform every day anyway. It's why replicators are so convenient. I have no need of those...ridiculous things.”

For the first time, the holographic doctor's cheerful demeanor seemed to fade, replaced with a sad, tired look. “I am not going to argue with you about this. This what you'll be wearing this evening. Your input is not necessary. I am the doctor, you are the patient.”

“Like hell. Computer! Deactivate EMH.” ordered Priti.

To her surprise, an error tone sounded over the ship's intercom.

“Unable to comply.”

“What? Why not?” she asked.

“Clearence level insufficient.” replied the computer.

What? Her clearance was as nearly as high as it got! For anything short of a self-destruct sequence, her clearance was as good as Captain Lee's!

“I told you my authority exceeded yours in medical matters.” explained the hologram. She spoke softly and slowly, as though addressing a tempermental child.

Bullshit. Priti would rather summon the entire engineering team from their beds and have them dig the holo-projectors right out of the walls than wear training pants. She reached up to tap her com-badge.

Her hand stopped. Her elbow siezed up and refused to close. No matter what she did, she couldn't reach her badge.

“What is this?” she demanded angrily. The EMH sat beside her and settled a hand on her shoulder.

“Sorry, dear. But you have to learn to follow my instructions. Here in sickbay, I make the rules, not you. Understand?” she said, still perfectly calm but no longer cheerful.

Priti punched the hologram. Her fist struck the face ineffectually twice, then passed clean through it on the third pass. “Doctor! Wonan! Wake up! The EMH is berserk!”

“I'm afraid this behavior is not acceptable, Priti. Disciplinary action will be necessary.” said the hologram.

“No!” shouted Priti as the holographic woman pulled her forward with inhaman strength. Priti was soon pinned down across the hologram's lap, with her bare butt facing upward.

Smack. Smack. The blows were not very powerful, but somehow each one felt far more painful than it had any right to. Priti could almost feel the burning impacts in her teeth. Every one struck her like a red-hot sledgehammer. After only a few spanks, tears began flowing down Priti's cheeks. What was happening? She was tougher than this, she knew. What was wrong with her? She knew she could not escape, nor could she endure it if it went on. She had to stop it. She had to do whatever it took to stop the spanking.

“Stop! Stop! Please! I'll...I'll...”

The hand froze in mid-spank. “You'll what? Speak up, dear.”

“I'll wear them.” she breathed.

“Hm? Wear what, dear?” asked the hologram.

“Training pants. Whatever you want. I'll wear the training pants.” she moaned. She had never felt so utterly defeated.

“Are you going to be a good girl in your little training pants?” Asked the hologram, her tone completely unchanged.

“...yes.” whispered Priti.

She cried out as another intolerable spank vibrated her whole body.

“I need to hear you say it, sweety.” That awful cheerfllness was back now.

Priti hesitated, but a sudden jerk of the doctor's hand caused her to spit out the hateful sentence.

“I'll be a good girl in my little training pants!” she said quickly.

The hologram's hand landed gently on her sore rump and began rubbing back and forth. The pain immediately subsided, replaced by a delicious cool feeling. Priti felt all the tension in her body dissolve. Her head hung over the edge of the bed as her body collapsed onto the doctor's lap.

“Good girl. Being a good girl is so much better than being a bad girl, isn't it?”

“yes.” said Priti in a small, soft voice.

With the same impossible strength, the petite hologram picked Commander Basu off the table and set her feet on the ground.

“One foot. Then the other. There we are. Good girl.” whispered the EMH.

Priti stood for an instant with the horrible, absorbent underwear around her ankles. Somehow, her feet suddenly felt very warm and comfortable.

“Remember this always, Priti. Bad girls get ouchie, ouchie spanks! And good girls...”

The EMH gently pulled the training pants up her legs. The delicious feeling of soft, warm pleasure came with them. By the time they reached her toned thighs, Priti no longer wanted them to stop.

“...get this!” finished the EMH as as she snapped the thick panties into place. Priti gasped with pleasure. Her groin was encased in a soft, warm mist of joy, like a sparkling silver flame. As she panted for breath, she realized that she would never want to take them off. She couldn't remember feeling so utterly relaxed and content. When she felt herself being lifted off her feet, she didn't resist. When the holographic hand gently patted her butt, all she felt was happiness. When she was set down on the impossible softness of the bed, all she wanted to do was melt into it.

The hologram lifted her right hand by the wrist, arranged it into a fist with the thumb sticking out, and and gently inserted the thumb between Priti's lips. With no fight left in her, all she could do was suck contentedly.

“Good girl. Night-night.”


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