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Part 11

Will sat in the lounge of his airship, watching the world adapt to the changes he had made. He was surprised when he first learned that nations were still willing to engage in warfare over his new portals, but he soon decided that it was naive to imagine that taking away the consequences of war would eliminate the desire for it. It was all pointless anyway. Even powerful nations couldn't muster armies large enough to overwhelm entire populations with only their fists. He used his wishes to eliminate most of the weapons that he had failed to think of in the original round of wishes. Tear gas soon lost all of its effects, as did all other chemical irritants. Tranquilizers came next, although they would still be effective when administered voluntarily. Eventually, the chaos would die down and the political system would find a new equilibrium. Satisfied, Will turned the airship back toward home.

The penthouse was a ton of fun, but Will decided that a larger playground was called for. Now that he had added seventeen new planet earths to the world, he decided that one measly city to himself wasn't much to ask.

I wish that everyone would leave the area within one hundred miles of my penthouse suite, with the exception of single women between the ages of eighteen and fifty without children. No one who does not meet those criteria shall be able to enter except me, and everyone who does meet these criteria shall feel mildly drawn to enter and remain in this area.

I wish that within this area, everyone except me will become significantly more attractive, and will feel a deep sense of satisfaction and well-being.

I wish that all necessary supplies will appear in shops, bars, and restaurants within that area, without the need for deliveries.

I wish that all goods and services shall be available within this area free of charge.

I wish that all buildings and infrastructure within this area would be in perfect condition perpetually, as though newly installed and cleaned.

I wish that the weather within this area would be sunny, warm, and pleasantly mild unless I desire it to be otherwise.

I wish that everyone within this area would be extremely susceptible to my suggestions.

I wish that within this area, no diaper shall ever leak.

I wish that within this area, women shall spontaneously develop fetishes for diapers, mind control, and humiliation.

I wish that the official name of this area shall be Willopolis, and all signs, documents, and memories will be altered to reflect this.

Having carved out his own corner of the world with no unwanted distractions, he commanded the airships automated system to take him there asap. The journey only took a few hours, during which time Will ate and took a long, hot shower.

When he arrived, the streets were mostly deserted. The rush of traffic that his wish had no doubt provoked had already died down. Cars ran to and fro, and a few women walked the streets, but the population had been reduced to less than a third. Mostly, the women were wondering around trying to figure out why the area was suddenly clean, beautiful and pleasant. He decided to park the airship in the parking lot of a local grocery store.

Inside, the store's remaining staff members sat around the produce section, looking confused but generally cheerful. He approached the small group.

“Afternoon ladies! Lovely day isn't it?” he greeted.

“Holy crap, its a guy! I was starting to wonder if I'd ever see one again!” said a woman in a green apron.

“Do you know what's been happening? Everyone's gone, including the store manager!” said another.

“And everything is free all of the sudden! Nothing needs to be cleaned, or restocked, or anything! We've been wondering if we even need to work here anymore.”

Will grinned. This was gonna be fun. “Well, let me clear up a few things for you. My name's Will, I am all-powerful, and this building and everything around is now part of my domain!” he announced. He stood silently as the small group absorbed this.

“Seriously?” one finally asked.

“Yep! I'm gonna be running things around here from now on. Everything is going to be great now. Could someone show me to the diaper aisle?”

They blanched. They clearly hadn't expected that either.

“Uh, do you mean the baby aisle or the adult incontinence section?” one finally asked.

Will smirked. “Those little distinctions are a little out of date for this area. Let's head over and I'll make the necessary adjustments.”

A dark-haired employee led Will to the aisle in question. In spite of the woman's earlier inquiry, the diapers were all in one area, with baby diapers opposite the incontinence wear, presumably so that customers could ask where the diapers were without facing a potentially embarrassing follow-up question.

“Well, there are no babies in this area, and no one with a disability anywhere, so this area is due for some rearranging.” announced Will. He snapped his fingers.

The assembled women stared in wonder as the aisle was transformed. Packages swelled and changed colors. Images of smiling infants were replaced with images of smiling women. The adult diaper section became indistinguishable from the baby section as the two merged. In seconds, they stood in the new Big Baby aisle.

“Oh my god! What is this?”

“This is now your favorite aisle in the store. You're all very excited to try out all the great products on offer here.”

Will watched as his suggestion took hold. They were struggling, but none of them could deny the truth of his words. He turned to the woman who had led him here. She looked to be about twenty. Her name tag identified her as Sarah.

“Let's start with you Sarah! Everything here is free for the taking! What catches your eye, Sarah?” he asked, making liberal use of her name. He had worked retail, so he knew full well how rude it was to abuse someone's first name in this way.

“I...uh...no, I couldn't.” she stammered, her cheeks burning. Thanks to Will's suggestion, she now had the urge to try everything here, but she couldn't with so many people watching.

“Ah, you're blushing!” said Will, utilizing a sentence that has never once put anyone at their ease. “Let me help out. Let's see...I think these would be perfect for you!”

Will pulled a large package off the shelf. It was roughly cube-shaped, covered in glossy pink plastic, and showed Halle Berry on all fours wearing nothing but a plastic tiara, a disposable diaper and a huge smile.

Huggies Princess-Pants

Size: Any

80 Diapers

“Feel like a Princess”

Will tossed the large package to Sarah. It was so big that she practically had to hug it against herself to hold it.

She hung her head in embarrassment. “But...I can't wear diapers! I'm...I'm a big girl.”

Will shook his head. “That's all in the past now. You're gonna be a sweet little diaper girl from now on! No worrying, or work, or anxiety. Just playing and being diapered! You'll like it, don't worry.”

She sniffed and nodded. She knew that this was her fate, and that nothing could change it.

“Let's see, you, with red hair!” said Will. The woman he had called on stepped forward reluctantly. “Uh, me?” she asked, as though there was another red-haired woman around. Her name-tag identified her as Kathy.

“Yes, you! Sarah here needs someone to help her into her adorable new underwear. I'm volunteering you.”

“I...I can take care of it.” said Sarah.

“Nonsense. You're not some big girl with a bladder issue, you're a cute little diaper girl! You need someone to look after you, and feed you, and change you, and give you lots of hugs. There's no two ways about it!” announced Will. Again, Sarah sniffed and nodded her acceptance.

“Well, why do I have to do it? I barely even know her.” said Kathy.

Will scoffed playfully. “How can you even ask that? Don't you recognize royalty when you see it?”

Kathy looked at Sarah, and suddenly realized that Will was right. The blushing woman hiding her face in the package of diapers was so graceful, so beautiful, so...regal.

“Oh my god! I'm sorry, I didn't realize...of course I'll take care of you, your highness!” said Kathy.

Sarah looked up from her embarrassment fugue at the words “your highness”. “Wha...What?”

“You are a princess now, Sarah.” explained Will. “An adorable diaper princess. Kathy here is your loyal and obedient subject.”

Sarah furrowed her brow as she looked at Kathy. The woman's uniform had been replaced with a peasant's dress of rough-spun wool. “So...you have to do what I say?” she asked cautiously.

“Of course, your highness! It's an honor to serve you. Would her majesty like to be changed into her royal diapers?” asked Katie, adopting a tone of humble deference.

Sarah grinned. “Yes please! Come, peasant! You have my permission to touch the royal personage!”

Katie began hurriedly gathering the necessary supplies from around the aisle while Sarah looked on and offered helpful instructions. Without waiting for them to finish, Will called forward another employee.

“Jennifer! Come on down!” a shorter woman with hazel eyes stepped forward.

“Hi...” she said nervously, wondering what absurdity this strange, powerful man had in store for her.

“Tell me Jennifer, what is your favorite animal?”

“Uh...gee...I guess...leopard?” she stammered out.

“Excellent. I think these will do nicely for you.” said Will, grabbing another package off the shelf.

Pampers Jungle-Girls

Size: Any

50 Diapers

“Unleash your Inner Beast!

The packaging was decorated with images of trees, vines, flowers and dozens of colorful cartoon animals, all wearing diapers.

“I'm feeling a little impatient, so let's speed things along this time!” announced Will. He raised his hands and snapped his fingers dramatically. Instantly, the package tore itself open, and a disposable diaper decorated with jungle-themed prints flew out and fluttered through the air like a bird. Before Jennifer could react, it swooped down between her legs and slipped up under her work apron.

“Hey! Wait, I...” she protested weakly as the animated diaper crawled around under her clothing. She started laughing as the animate plastic tickled her as it secured itself into place. She fell to the ground and kept giggling as her clothing began to writhe and transform as well. Soon, she was wearing nothing except her new diaper, a set of leopard ears, leopard paw mittens, leopard paw booties, and leopard printed tank top. Even the diaper was now golden-brown with black spots to match the theme. She leapt off the ground in a single smooth motion and began frantically surveying her new outfit. Even her mouth sported little leopard fangs. Finally, a long tail sprouted from the back of her diaper and began waving excitedly back and forth.

“I...I'm a leopard! This is so freaking awesome!” she exclaimed. She began bounding around the aisle, turning cartwheels, growling, purring, chasing her own tail, and running on all fours. It was clear that she had enhanced agility and reflexes I addition to her tail and fangs. She was so overjoyed with new abilities, she didn't seem the least bit self-conscious to prancing around wearing a thick diaper in front of her coworkers.

“Yes, a leopard!” continued Will as Jennifer enjoyed her newfound cat-like grace. “A proud and implacable hunter. Let's see if you can prove your prowess by capturing your wiley prey...the gazelle!”

That was the moment when Molly, who had been watching her co-workers wild movements with interest, realized that she now had two curved and ribbed horns protruding from her forehead. Jennifer turned to her and licked her lips.

“No. No! Nooooooo!” screamed the horned woman as she turned and fled. Jenifer, overwhelmed by her new predatory instincts, bounded forward after the fleeing woman. Molly the gazelle ran with speed that would have been impossible for her a moment ago, but Jennifer was even faster. Before she could reach the end of the long Adult Baby aisle, Jennifer leapt forward and cut off her retreat. Molly did her best to evade the woman's pouncing attacks, but despite her own enhanced agility, she was simply outclassed. Soon, Jennifer bore her prey to the ground. Molly squeaked in terror as the leopard woman stood atop her, pinning her to the ground and growling victoriously.

Then, a long, wet fart erupted from the seat of Jennifer's leopard print diaper. Molly winced as the feline woman loudly filled her pants. Molly sighed as Jennifer laughed joyously. “Aww, man!” said Molly. “I guess I have to change you now.”

“Yep!” said Jennifer joyously. She pulled Molly off the ground and dragged her “wiley prey” back to Will. Will handed Molly the package of diapers.

“Ohh, better luck next time! Who knows? If you can run fast enough, Jennifer might pick someone else next time.” said Will.

Molly grabbed a diaper bag off the shelf and set about stocking it with supplies. Jennifer held her arm to keep her from running away.

Meanwhile, Kathy had finished changing Sarah into her princess diapers. Like Jennifer, her outfit had transformed, this time into a lavender and white fairy-tale princess outfit. She had a plastic tiara on her head, long satin gloves on her arms, a combination scepter and rattle in her hand, and a skirt that concealed about a third of her new diapers. Katie stood slightly behind her with meekly folded hands, ready to obey the little princess's royal whims.

“Thanks Will! This is great! I love being a princess!” she announced.

“You're welcome! How do you like your new underwear?” he asked.

“They're fantastic! So soft and luxurious! And having a faithful servant to boss around makes it even better!”

Kathy smiled and nodded, grateful to be mentioned by her majesty.

“Good to hear it, your majesty. Who wants to go next?” Will asked turning to the five unaltered employees. They all looked at the floor and shuffled their feet.

“Oh, come on ladies! There's so much happiness to be had here! How can you pass up all this?” he gestured to Sarah, who was ordering her new servant to prepare the royal bottle, and Molly, who was busy taping up Jennifer into a fresh jungle-themed diaper. Once in place, it transformed immediately to match her leopard theme.

One of the women stepped forward. She was older and slightly taller than the others, perhaps in her early forties. Her name-tag identified her as Beverley “Look, Mr. Will, or whatever it is, I think you have the wrong idea. We're not interested in wearing diapers. I think it would be best if you just left.”

Will stroked his chin. He knew this woman was lying. Everyone here was susceptible to his suggestions, so she really did want to try everything in this aisle. She must be very strong-willed to marshall this kind of resistance.

“I must say ma'am, I'm very impressed. It took a lot of guts to say that.” he said.

She crossed her arms and took a deep breath. “Don't think I don't know what you're all about. I know you'll just do whatever you want with us. It's clear you're holding all the cards here. But that doesn't make it right.”

Will smiled. She was obviously just angling for the kind of punishment he handed out. “Oh well” he thought. “I'll just have to call her bluff.”

“I have no idea what you mean ma'am. I'm not forcing anyone to be here. If you're not interested, the door out is right over there. Have a lovely day!”

Her glare intensified. “It's obviously a trap.” she said.

Will chuckled. “A trap? Why would I need a trap? No, go on, you can just leave.”

Beverly squared her shoulders. She wasn't budging an inch. “I'm not falling for it. If you want to  do to me what you've done to those bimbos over there, you'll have to do it looking me in the eye.”

“Ma'am! That's no way to talk about your co-workers.” said Will reproachfully.

“Yeah!” said Sarah.

“Especially not a princess!” said Kathy.

“If you can't be civil, perhaps you ought to go home.” said Will.'

Beverly displayed her best intimidating smile. Will had to admit it was a good one. “Again with wanting me to go away. You know what? I think you're afraid. You want women who will just meekly go along with whatever you say. Once someone challenges you, you're not interested.”

She advanced on Will. She stood eye-to-eye with him. “What do you say to that, tough guy?”

Will shrugged. “You got me. I like sweet, endearing, submissive woman that I can boss around and treat like possessions. You're an impressive, formidable woman, and while I find you admirable, I'm just not interested.”

Beverly stepped forward again. Her eyes were inches from Will's. “Quit making excuses.”

“I'm not making any excuses. I like what I like. I'm sure there are plenty of guys who would love to meet you and would find your assertive personality attractive and appealing. You should think about going and finding one.”

Her eyes wandered to the side for a moment. She was thinking about it, because Will had told her to. He had been careful not to order her to do anything, but he said to think about it, so she did. She didn't want to though. She couldn't admit, even to herself, what she actually wanted.

Instead, she raised a hand, extended an index finger, and prodded Will hard on the sternum. “Take your best shot, little man.”

Will cocked his head to the side. “Ahhh, do I have to? It'll be like breaking a Ming vase.”

She poked him again. “Can't do it can you? You don't have the balls.”

Will sighed dramatically. “Fine. Take a good look at yourself, as you are now, because you'll never be like this again.”

Will snapped his fingers and a full-length mirror appeared nearby. Just as Will had suggested, she turned and looked at herself. She was no model, but she was an attractive, full-figured woman.

Will slipped in behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Keep looking. Don't look away. Look at the fierce pride in your eyes, the strength in your arms, the power in your bearing. Feel all the strength inside, the years of patient work, self-improvement, self-control, self-determination, and other hyphenated phrases involving your self.” Will's voice became softer and softer as he spoke. The other women in the aisle, converted and unconverted alike, gathered around, chuckling quietly.

“Oh, but what's that there? There's something there that you didn't notice before, deep inside of you. It's like a huge, strong dam at the very back of your soul, where you would never think of looking. It's a secret place, where all your secret things go. When you got passed over for all those promotions, that went behind the dam. When you got stood up for that big date, it went behind the dam. When your best friend moved, behind the dam it goes. A lifetime worth of frustration, anger, and disappointment, all sitting back there, stewing in itself. When you got knocked down, you always got up, dusted yourself off, and moved on, and every time you did, the pressure on that dam got a little heavier, and the dam had to get a little stronger.”

Beverly was staring into her own eyes. The strain she was experiencing was visible on her face. Her lower lip trembled.

“Years of struggling. Pretending to be invincible. Pretending that nothing hurts. Pretending not to want the things you want. Being strong. Being tough. Saying to yourself: You have to move on, you have to grow up. But there's another way.”

Beverley was shaking like a leaf in the wind, but she couldn't look away.

“And I'll help you get there. It's okay. None of it will be your fault. I have power that you can't possibly resist. No matter how strong you are, I am so much stronger. No one can blame you. You never had a chance. Like so much else in life, it just isn't fair. It's so unfair, that after all that work, I can reach into your soul, put my finger on your mighty dam, and just...boop, poke a hole.”

Tears began trickling down Beverly's cheeks. Her cheeks got redder and more puffy by the second. A little whine began at the back of her throat. She looked at herself in the mirror as the emotions flooded out of her, totally beyond her control.

“Yes, you feel that, don't you? All those powerful emotions bursting loose after being suppressed for so long. You can feel the hole getting bigger as the concrete around it fractures and crumbles. All your inner strength, slowly falling apart. You're changing, Beverly. You can't be tough or strong anymore. Instead, you're going to spend the rest of your life...as a Crybaby.”

Beverly was sobbing openly. The trickle of tears down her cheek had become streams. She stared at herself in the mirror, still unable to look away. Her mouth hung open, sobbing and whining without any conscious control. She finally moaned out in frustration:

“Waaaaaaahhhh! Ah don't wanna be a cwybaby! Waaaaahhhahhhhaahhaa!”

Will patted Beverly on the back condescendingly. “There, there. Everything is gonna be alright. You're gonna like being a Crybaby. It was a terrible burden being strong and tough all the time. Having to always be in control, never getting to just relax and express yourself. Now, you get to be weak. Weak as a little kitten. Anyone can do anything to you, and all you'll do is cry. You'll be soft, and vulnerable, and so, soooo adorable. Doesn't that sound so much better?”

“Waaaaahhhhhaaahhhaaa!!!!” was Beverly's only response.

“Ohhh, I know what'll cheer you up. No really, I do. A little Crybaby like you needs lots of comfort and reassurance. You need to be nurtured, and protected, and...well, might as well say it...coddled.”

Beverly only sobbed harder at this.

“I think we need to bring back a few old friends you haven't seen in a while. Here's something to help you relax and be happy.”

Will pulled a large, blue pacifier out of thin air and pressed it into Beverly's wide open, bawling mouth. As soon as the bulb pressed on her tongue, she found her lips wrapping around it. She began to suck. Slowly at first, then quickly, then slower again. Her eyes were still streaming, her cheeks were still red, but her heart rate started slowing.

“There. Crybabies like you need comforts that big, tough ladies have to do without. Well, all those comfort are going to be yours again. Oooh, here comes another one now.”

Will snapped his fingers, and a large, friendly-looking green teddy bear manifested in his hands. Beverly's eyes widened as she saw it. “Look! Its Lewis, the bear your mother threw out when you were seven years old. I had to make him bigger, of course, and put one of his eyes back, but his smell is exactly the same.I think he needs a big hug, don't you?


Beverly, now freed from staring into the mirror, reached out her hands for her childhood friend. Will pressed Lewis into her arms. Her crying intensified, tears of both sorrow and joy flowed freely. Will watched patiently as she reunited with her long-lost friend.

“Wewis!!!Wewis!!! Nevah go way agin Wewis!” she sobbed as she sprinkled the bear with fresh tears.

“So cute!. Don't you feel so much better? The moment you feel the least bit of strain, any frustration, or tiredness, or hunger, or any unpleasantness at all, those waterworks are gonna turn on immediately. No more holding back, ever!” said Will, a sinister grin reappearing on his face.

As Beverly stood cuddling her stuffed bear, a dark stain appeared on her uniform apron, slowly spreading. Beverly finally realized what had happened, and her sobbing returned.

“Nooooo. Me big giwl. Me big giwl Wewis!” she whined to her bear as the warm liquid spread.

“A big girl? What an idea! Crybabies like you can't be big girls. Big girls have discipline and self-control. They hold everything inside. Does that sound like you?”

Beverley buried her face in Lewis' head. Will gently lifted her chin and forced her to look him in the eyes.

“Does it?”

She sucked furiously on her pacifier and squeezed her bear tighter. She nodded her head.

“Well, I guess I'll take your word for it. A big girl doesn't need this.” he pulled the pacifier out of her mouth with a pop.

Her sobbing redoubled. “Waaaahhhhaaaaahaaaa!”

“And a big girl doesn't need a teddy bear. I guess Lewis will have to go back to that landfill.”

“Noooooo!!! Pwease, no!” whined the middle-aged woman.

“I think you know what has to happen, sweetpea. You need to tell me exactly what you are, and exactly what you need. No more pretending.” said Will, dangling the pacifier in front of her. She tried to bring her willpower to bear, but it was all gone. There was nothing between her and her feelings except Lewis. The thought of losing him again was unbearable.

“I surrender! You win!” she moaned.

“Oooohh goody! What do I win?”

“Imma...imma a big cwybaby. I need my beah, an my paci, an...an” she broke down into sobs again.

“Yes? Keep going. What else do you  need?” asked Will.

“Diapees! Ah need diapees!” she moaned.

“Well why didn't you say something sooner? Of course a big Crybaby like you needs her thick, cushy diapers!”

Will snapped his fingers, and a package of diapers leapt off the shelf and landed at Beverly's feet. The package showed Beverly herself with large cartoon tears coming out her eyes in two great arcs, an ice cream cone splattered on the ground in front of her.

Crybaby Diapers

Size: Beverly's

60 Diapers

“No Holding Back!”

No sooner had she seen the packaging, Beverly discovered that she was wearing them. Her work uniform had vanished so suddenly that she hadn't even noticed. The word “Crybaby” was displayed across the front panel of her new diapers in big block letters. Only Lewis was there to hide her naked breasts. The diapers were so thick, that she found she couldn't even stand in them. She fell backward onto her padded butt. She was so well cushioned that she barely felt the impact, but it was still enough to launch another round of crying. Will stepped forward and returned her pacifier to its proper place. Her cries gradually subsided

“There. Your diapers are back now, and this time they're here to stay. And these are Crybaby Diapers, made just for you, and they're very special. Lets go over some of their unique features. Why don't you see if you can take that diaper off?”

Beverly did as ordered, not even thinking to question Will now. She tucked Lewis under her arm and reached for the tapes of her Crybaby Diaper. Before she could touch them, however, she was struck by a powerful wave of fear and exhaustion. Suddenly, the idea of taking off her diaper seemed incredibly difficult and scary. She gave up immediately and fell backward on the floor. She sucked furiously on her pacifier and hugged her teddy bear tightly, waiting for the scary feelings to subside.

“That's right. How cute that you're totally incapable of removing your diaper.! You're way too lazy and weak to even try. Now, how about we go for a little walk?”

Will grabbed Beverly's hand and hauled her to her feet with surprising ease. He lead her around the aisle in a circle, displaying her to all present. Her steps were big and wobbly, thanks to the thickness of the diaper and the newfound weakness in her muscles. By holding on to Will for support, she could just manage to stay upright.

“Isn't that fun? You can just barely walk if someone is holding your hand. That means no more independence. If you wanna go somewhere, you'll have to ask someone to take you there. Even crawling takes way too much effort for you.Now, let's see if we can find you someone who's willing to look after a big Crybaby like you. What do you think ladies, any volunteers?”

All eight women immedately gathered around to offer their help.

“I'd love to do it!” said Jennifer

“No fair! You can't even change yourself!” whined Molly

“Says who? It's just more fun to make to make you do it.”

“As your princess, I demand first right of refusal on this wonderful Crybaby!” said Sarah.

“Your majesty, I must protest! Such menial labor is beneath your dignity. Allow me to bear this burden.” said Kathy.

The crowd all eagerly volunteered to do the honors. Beverly stared at them all in confusion. She had expected to be ridiculed, but instead everyone was eager to help her.

“Surprised? No one can resist comforting an adorable Crybaby. Those diapers guarantee that everyone will be sweet and caring to you. No one would refuse an adorably Crybaby who needs to be fed and soothed and changed!  Why don't you pick out a babysitter?”

“Bud (suck) ah don wanna babsidder!” Beverly whined through her pacifier.

Will rubbed Beverley's back in a circular pattern and spoke soothingly to her. “Oh, I know! Its so embarrassing to admit you need help. You're so used to being independent. But you're way too weak and wimpy to take care of yourself now. If you don't pick a babysitter, I'll have to pick one for you, and you don't want that, do you”

Will's implied threat brought on more tears, but his hand on her back actually did make her feel better. Beverley looked around. An hour ago, these women had all been her junior coworkers. Now she had to decide which one would change her diapers. The stress of the decision caused her to suck on her pacifier more forcefully. Finally, she decided to go with the one who had the most solid work ethic.

“I wan' Missa do it.” she said through her pacifier.

A shorter girl who had been in the back of the group, wearing a name-tag with “Melissa” on it. She had long, blonde hair and couldn't have been older than twenty. “Me, Beverly?” she asked shyly.

Beverly nodded. Melissa beamed. “Thanks. I'll take real good care of you, I promise.”

“Wonderful! Here you go.” said Will, gently pushing Beverly toward Melissa. Beverly took two big wobbly steps, and nearly fell down again, but Melissa reached out and grabbed the larger woman's hand. Beverley's legs immediately became stable again.

“Wow! You almost fell on your bum-bum, didn't you!” said Melissa, patting Beverley's hand.

“(Sniff), uh uh.” said Beverley. Something about Melissa's caring, cheerful demeanor immediately made her feel better.

“Well, you've passed muster with her! But I wonder, can you really handle this? Taking care of a big Crybaby is a big job, after all.” said Will.

“You leave her alone, Will! I said I would take care of her, and I always keep my word.” said Melissa, suddenly emerging from her shyness with unexpected ferocity. On hearing this, Beverly immediately began sobbing uncontrollably again. Melissa pulled the taller woman into a comforting hug, not seeming to mind her bare breasts.

“There, there! I'm sorry I yelled. What a cutey you are!” cooed Melissa.

Beverly didn't let up. “Waaaahhhhaaaa! Ahm nada cooti Missa! Waaaaahaaaahaa!”

Melissa patted her back. “Shhh...no more talk like that. You're still so proud, aren't you? That pride isn't gonna do you any good, though, is it? Shhhh...I know. Its no fun, is it? But you have to learn to deal with this like a grown-up, honey.”

Beverly was so surprised by that line that she immediately stopped crying. “A gwon op?” she asked through her pacifier.

Melissa spoke very slowly and clearly, as though explaining something to a toddler. “That's right! Grown ups can't just play pretend when things aren't the way they like. They have to either work to change things, or they have to adapt to their circumstances. Now, its not any of your fault that you became what you are now, and there's nothing that you can do to change it. So, you need to learn how to be happy with what you have. Can you do that? Can you try to be happy now?”

Beverly sniffed. “Ahl...ahl try Missa.” she mumbled.

Melissa patted Beverly's diapered butt. “Good girl. Now, I want you to know that I totally accept you, one hundred percent! You're wonderful just the way you are. If you have to be proud, be proud of who you are right now. Tell everyone what what you are now, sweety.”

Beverly looked around. Everyone was smiling, glowing with unconditional approval. She realized that she liked that feeling. Everyone around her just wanted her to be happy. “Ahma...ahma Cwybaby ebwywun.” she said softly. Her announcement was met with a shower of applause and cooing from the other women.

“Very good, honeybunch! Doesn't that feel better? Now, what is this you're wearing?” asked Melissa, gently patting Beverly's rear.

“...diapuh.” said Beverly. Tears were still trickling down her cheeks.

“That's close, but you need to be more open about it. Remember, everyone here completely accepts you! You don't have to hide anything.” said Melissa.

Beverly winced and silently pleaded, but her babysitter's hand patting her diaper made what she had to do bearable. “Dis is ma cwybaby diapuh.” she said.

“Of course it is. You have to wear that now, and it's okay! You look so adorable in your Crybaby Diapers! Look at me, look at me. I can't wait to take care of you all day long! Thank you for being such a cute Crybaby.”

Beverly buried her face in Melissa's shoulder, letting the soothing words drift through her. Melissa kept alternating between rubbing her back and patting her butt. Beverly felt cute, protected, and loved, and found that those feelings were so much more raw and pure now that all her emotional defenses had been stripped away. For the first time in decades, she was experiencing her true feelings without any filter or limit.

She felt a rumble in her stomach. She had eaten breakfast barely two hours earlier, and yet she now felt slightly hungry. Normally, she would wait another few hours before her lunch break, but now the faintest hunger pang felt so immediate, so urgent. She was whining and tearing up in seconds.

“Ah, I heard that cutie!” said Melissa. “Is Crybaby hungry? Huh? Does Crybaby need her baba?”

“uuuuhhh, mm huh.” came the muffled reply. A baby bottle didn't sound appealing, but she needed food immediately! Anything would do.

“What's that, honey? Use your words.” said Melissa, gentling stroking her bare belly.

“Mmmmmmm...Cwybaby nee baba now.”

“Very good! Let's get that tummy all nice and full.” said Melissa, looking around the shelves for some baby formula. Will snapped his fingers, and a large baby bottle materialized in her hand. It was full of a light blue liquid, and the word “Weak” was printed on the side.

“Ooh, perfect!” said Melissa. She tugged the pacifier out of Beverly's mouth. Beverly opened her mouth to scream her discontent when the nipple arrived to replace it. She sucked the thick, warm liquid. It coated her tongue in sweet, gentle bliss.

“Good Girl! Can you hold the baba for me honey?” asked Melissa. Beverly did her best, but the second she raised her arms, they suddenly felt incredibly heavy. There was no fight left in her, and they dropped back to her sides.

“Oh, that's okay! You need someone to feed you now, huh?” said Melissa. There was nothing in her voice but compassion and joy.

Beverly kept sucking the unfamiliar liquid as her stomach filled up. She had to close her eyes as the pleasure of suckling overwhelmed her. She couldn't identify the taste, but she soon decided that it was her new favorite flavor. The feeling of delicious warmth filled her and spread out  throughout her body, spreading blissful relaxation wherever it went. She felt her fears, worries, and doubts melt away as the feeling grew more intense. She felt her legs give out underneath her, and she fell toward the ground once again. Then, she felt her babysitters hand sweep her up, gently placing her on the smaller woman's hip. She opened her eyes.

Her babysitter had changed. In place of her work uniform, she now wore a pristine white leotard  with a stylized “H” between the breasts and knee-length gold boots on her feet. Behind her, fluttering in a non-existent breeze, was a gold-colored cape that came down past her knees. Beverly was delighted, but not really surprised. Of course her babysitter was a superhero.

“Hello there. My name is Lady Happiness, and I'll always be here for my precious Crybaby!”

Beverly smiled as she sucked down more and more of the creamy liquid that never seemed to run out. She knew that the bottle was making her weaker and more helpless by the second, but she didn't care. Lady Happiness cradled her in her arm. She felt her soft, thick diapers become warmer as she helplessly pissed herself, and it didn't matter. With Lewis in her arms, Lady Happiness cradling her soggy butt, and warm, sweet weakness pouring down her throat, there was no room in her for tears.

“There's that adorable smile! Time to put my wonderful Crybaby down for a nice long nap. And when you wake up, it'll be time to put you in a clean Crybaby Diaper. Just remember, honey, its okay to cry. You'll be crying all the time now, and I'll always come running to make you happy again.”

Lady Happiness dressed Beverly in a set of blue fleece footy pajamas with a flap to allow diaper changes. Flying through the air at incredible speeds, the superhero assembled a large crib near the entrance to the store, so that everyone who entered would be able to see the big Crybaby. Blankets, pillows, and more stuffed animals filled the crib, before it was finally ready for Beverley's mid-day nap-time. The woman steadily settled down to sleep in her soggy Crybaby Diaper, with Lewis in her arms, content that she would would have all the bottles, changes, hugs, and attention she needed from now on. The assembled crowd quietly snuck back to the Adult Baby Aisle, careful not to wake the big Crybaby.

Once safely away, the three remaining employees turned to Lady Happiness and congratulated her.

“I can't believe she picked you! You are so lucky!” said a woman with a ponytail who's name-tag identified her as Marcy.

“Goddamn that woman is cute! She used to be such a tyrant, but now she's adorable!” said a younger woman named Jasmine.

“You just know she is gonna wake with a big, loaded diaper and start bawling, and you'll get to be the one who makes it all better!”said an younger  woman by the name of Bitna.

“Thanks, guys! I'm so excited. I never imagined anything like this, but it feels like a dream come true!” gushed Lady Happiness.

Will cut in, keeping his voice low. “So, all of you want to help look after Beverly? It'll be easier with a few assistants.”

Lady Happiness cocked an eyebrow. “No, no, Beverly chose me! I'm her one and only babysitter!”

Will did an impression of considering this. “Hmm, good point. Ladies, it seems that if you want to be allowed to help with the big Crybaby, you'll have to accept a lower position than Lady Happiness. How would you like to be Beverley's big sisters?”

The three women glanced at each other, and with much nodding and giggling, they reached a consensus.

“I think that works, yeah.” said Bitna.

Will nodded. “Well, you heard her, Lady Happiness. Why don't you get your three sidekicks into their new costumes?”

Lady Happiness smiled, and then became a blur. Wind whipped around the aisle as she flew around at enhanced speed. One by one, the uniforms that the three women had been wearing were removed and replaced.

They were now wearing tank tops that displayed Lady Happiness' colors and “H” insignia. Their navels were bare, and below they wore nothing except thick white panties decorated with colorful  balloons.

“Uh...” said Marcy, uncertainly.

“Are these...Pull-Ups?” asked Bitna.

“That's right!” said Will, snapping his fingers. Another package flew off the shelf.

Huggies Happy-Pants

Size: Any

100 Pull-Up Diapers

“Make Potty-Training Fun!”

“ You three are now the Happy Cadets! Lady Happiness will be responsible for training the three of you. Sometimes, you'll do well enough to graduate to panties, and it will feel like a real accomplishment! Sometimes, you'll be put back in diapers, and it will always feel like a mortifying failure. No matter what, however, you'll always end up back in your Pull-ups for another round of totally pointless potty-training. And the best part is...”

Jasmine felt her hand shoot up. Lady Happiness turned to her with a serene smile. Jasmine clearly had no idea what she was about to say.

“May I please go potty, Lady Happiness?” she said, her eyes showing clear embarrassment, despite her cheerful voice. There was a round of snickers from the other women, but Lady Happiness was completely unperturbed.

“Of course, Cadet Jasmine. Do you need any help?” she asked with maternal concern in her voice.

Jasmine glanced to the side, as though trying to remembers something. “uh, well ...damn, I guess I actually do.” she finally said. Lady Happiness nodded and took the woman by the hand. Jasmine was actually older than Lady Happiness, but that didn't matter anymore. Age is just a number, and in Willtopia it was a particularly irrelevant one. Jasmine was whisked away to the store's restroom. About a minute later, the two women returned, but now both had blissful smiles on their faces.

“Uh...” began Bitna. “Did you...have a good time in there?”

“Yeah!” announced the delighted Jasmine. “I went potty! I love going potty!”

“You did very well, Jasmine.” said Lady Happiness. “At this rate, you'll be ready for big girl pants in no time!”

Jasmine beamed as Lady Happiness affixed a gold star sticker to her clean pull-up. In her rational  mind, she knew that this was silly. She had been wearing “big girl pants” her whole life up to now, and Will had just said that any panties she was allowed to wear now would be totally temporary. Still, like Beverly, her emotions had been turned against her. She felt an immense pride at having used the grown-up potty, despite the fact that it had been Lady Happiness who had pulled down her Pull-ups and wiped her up afterward.

“Are you okay Jasmine?” asked Marcy. “You seem a little...different.”

Jasmine just grinned at her. “I'm okay. It really is fun getting potty trained. You'll like it.”

Bitna felt her hand shoot up as well. “Lady Happiness, can I use the...” she was cut off by a fierce rumbling in her stomach. She felt herself bend forward, and gasped as her pull-ups expanded from her mess.

Marcy giggled. “I guess not!”

Bitna began to tear up. Lady Happiness was at her side in an instant. “Oh, that's okay Cadet! We can try training you another time. Come on, lets get you changed.”

Another whirl of activity, and Bitna was standing in incredibly thick, white diapers. The lettering on the front panel and the open package nearby open package both proclaimed her “Failure” to the world.

Huggies Failure-Pants

Size: Any

60 Diapers

“Potty-Training is Fun, But Everyone Needs a Break Sometimes”

Like Jasmine, Bitna was fully aware that her “Failure” was actually nothing of the kind. Unfortunately, that knowledge was no defense against the feelings of deep shame and humiliation that emanated from the ridiculously thick diapers she wore. Her cheeks were red and she stared at the floor.

Lady Happiness put her hands on her hips. “Now, I better never catch any of you making fun of Cadet Bitna! Everyone grows at their own pace, and you'll all have the same problem sooner or later.”

Jasmine understood the wisdom of this, but she decided to get a subtle jab in anyway while she could. She patted the distraught woman's shoulder condescendingly. “Don't worry about it. You'll get this potty thing figured out sooner or later.”

Bitna nodded and wiped her eyes. “Thanks, Jasmine. Maybe I'll be like you someday!” The feeling was silly, but she actually did feel intensely envious of the gold star on the other woman's pull-up.

Will clapped his hands. “Well, I think this place is set in order nicely. All of you will make model citizens of Willtopia. Princess Sarah, I'm giving you this grocery store as your personal kingdom. Rule wisely, and make sure every customer finds the Big Baby aisle.”

Princess Sarah curtsied. The other women bowed respectfully to her. “I will carry out this charge to the best of my ability. Thank you for all that you've done.” She spoke clearly and loudly, as though she had been practicing public speaking all her life.

“Have fun ladies!” said Will, as he turned and waved .

With that, Will left the store. On the way out, he patted the sleeping Beverly gently on the head. With another wish, potting-training charts for each of the Happy Cadets were put on display at the front entrance, with a gold star for Jasmine and a sad rain-cloud for Bitna already in place. Princess-Mart was open for business.


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