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The Impossibility of Impossibilities

Part 3

Instantly, the hospital ward around them vanished from view, replaced by a spacious and elegantly decorated lobby. Deedee lay grinning on the marble floor. Behind a massive mahogany counter, the manager stood and stared at the group that had just materialized out of thin air. She was a short, plump, dark-skinned woman of about forty, dressed in a severe black pantsuit. Will strolled confidently toward the desk making a few discreet wishes along the way.

“Good Morning. My friends and I would like to check in to your finest suite. Is the penthouse available?”

The manager looked uneasy as as her eyes swept over Will's clothing and the two diaper-clad woman behind him. She glanced down at her monitor.

“I'm sorry sir, but the penthouse is currently occupied.”

Will paused briefly, expecting her to recommend a humbler suite, but evidently she was not too eager make a suggestion.

“What floor is the penthouse on?” asked Will.

“The 38th floor, sir.” she replied.

“In that case, we'll stay on the 39th floor.” said Will.

An edge of disdain crept into the manager's voice. “There isn't a 39th floor, sir, the penthouse is at the top of the building.”

“Check anyway.” said Will.

The manager was out of patience for this game. She had no interest in having these freakish people staying at her hotel. She opened her mouth with every intention of telling them, politely but firmly, that they should leave. Instead she found her eyes drawn down toward the hotel's vacancy database. Sure enough, there was the 39thfloor, directly above the penthouse suite.

“The...the 39th floor is currently vacant, reserved for a Mr. Will Freely.” The words tumbled out of her mouth, quite without any conscious direction from her mind.

“That's me. I'll check in immediately.”

“How long will you be staying with us?” she asked, realizing that she had now missed her chance to tell him to leave.

Will shrugged. “Dunno. I'll tell you when I'm bored of the place.”

Anger flashed in the manager's eyes, but she again found herself unable to object. “And how will you be paying?” she asked as curtly as she could manage.

“Oh, I wouldn't worry about that.”


“I'm going to stay here as long as I want, and do whatever I please, and you'll just have to put up with it. Sound good?”

Her frustration was rapidly transforming into terror. Who was this man, and how was he so bizarrely powerful? She suddenly realized that resistance was only going to make things worse. She forced herself to adopt a pleasant smile.

“Very good, sir.”

“There's a good girl. If you'd just hand me my key, I'd love to get settled in.”

She glanced back at the wall of keys. Sure enough, an extra set had appeared from nowhere. In contrast to the brass keys available for all the other rooms, these were golden and studded with sapphires. She shakily pulled the keys from their hook and handed them to Will.

“Enjoy your stay, Mr. Freeley.” she said with forced pleasantness.

“Be seeing you.” Will turned his attention back to his entourage. “Come along ladies. Our new home awaits!”

Christine, Sophie, and Deedee piled into the elevator behind Will. Will pressed the newly created button for the 39th Floor.

“Where are we going?” Asked Deedee to no one in particular.

“I've decided we need a little place to call our own.” answered Will. “and I think we'll all be very happy here.”

The elevator shot up through the hotel, past the penthouse to the new floor. The doors slid open to  reveal a broad hallway with checker-pattern floors and marble columns. At the far side of the hallway was a huge set of green double doors. The three women gaped in amazement at the decor, but Will simply looked in approval. His wishes were being granted with perfect efficiency. Will used his key to open the immense doors and led his three companions into the suite beyond. The interior looked more like the foyer of a manor than a hotel room. Large windows opened on the city below. Corridors stretched impossibly far into the the distance. The centerpiece of the foyer was a massive ornamental fountain that filled the room with the sound of flowing water.

“Welcome home ladies.” announced Will. “You each have a room of your own, made especially to suit your needs. Take a look!”

Will watched as the three women eagerly ran down the hallway where he had pointed. Sophie was the first to find her room. A brass plate on the door was engraved with the words “Sophie's Boudoir”. The room was large and elegantly decorated in varying shades of blue, with blue carpets and walls, a vanity, a dresser, and a huge four-poster bed. There was a private bathroom through a door on the left. The only thing that wasn't blue was a small pink baby monitor sitting on the nightstand. Though it, she listened as Christine found her room.

The door read “Christine's Nursery”. Inside, everything was bright pink and sized just right for Christine. The walls were decorated with images of cartoon animals, all wearing diapers. Her crib and her changing table were there as expected, as well as a toy chest and and a set of shelves stacked with hundreds of babyish diapers. Christine opened the walk-in closet to reveal plenty of outfits ready for her. She could dress as a princess, a fairy, a cowgirl, or anything she wanted, provided it wasn't the slightest bit mature. There were dozens of outfits on hangers, as well as racks of shoes, hats, and stuffed animals. The only thing she didn't have were panties, which she certainly had no use for. She checked her toy chest and discovered that it was empty. She frowned. This was probably Will trying to get her to waste her wishes on something frivolous.

She crawled into her crib, delighted to find that the mattress was incredibly soft and the blankets were of pink fleece. She writhed among the blankets, exalting in the warm comfort, the lovely feeling of the fabric on every inch of her naked skin. Her diaper was pressing against the contours of her ass, spreading delight wherever she touched. She decided that she could wait no longer, and thrust her hand down the front of her diaper. Her pussy had been begging for attention ever since she had been forced to admit to her mother that she was just a big baby, and she rubbed her clit enthusiastically as she listened to soft crinkling of her new underwear. She breathed heavily as she approached her climax. She started whispering to herself, letting her voice say whatever came into her head, anything to increase her pleasure further.

“Oh yeah, oh fuck yeah...gonna be a big baby! Gonna be in diapers forever and ever and ever! Mommy's gotta wipe my ass for me, cause I'm not potty trained! I'm a stinky-butt girl!

“Well, it's good to hear that sweetie, but I'm afraid that's something only naughty girls do.”

Christie jerked her hand out of her diaper in fright. She realized suddenly that her mother had opened the door without her noticing.

“Mom! I mean..Mommy! I didn't hear you! Why are you in my room?”

Sophia gave her daughter a sympathetic smile as she approached the crib. She reached down and began stroking Christine's hair.

“Sweetheart, I know this quite an adjustment for you, but you need to understand how things are different now. I am your mommy, and you are a big baby. That means you have no privacy. I need to be able to keep an eye on you at all times. I need to be available to take care of all your needs and make you a happy diaper girl. You don't have to worry about anything, because I'll be here to take care of you, and change you, and clean up all your messes. But, there are some things that Mommy just doesn't approve of, things that aren't proper for a good little diaper girl like you. I need to set some ground rules for you. First, no more putting your hands into your diaper.”

Christine felt her fingers twitch involuntarily. She felt her mother's words settle on her like a thick, warm blanket. She knew that she had to do as her Mommy told her. She knew that she would never be able to put her hands in her diaper again. White hot shame filled her as she realized that her mother held absolute power over her . It was so humiliating. It was so hot. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to touch herself. Sadly, her pussy was imprisoned in soft, fluffy plastic, beyond her reach.

“Secondly, starting today, you and I will be doing everything we can to make you cuter. Being cute is really important, and I want you take it very seriously. I want you to think of things that Will and I can do to make you more adorable, and tell us all about them. Do you think you can do that, sweety?”

“Yes, Mommy.” breathed Christine. She froze, suddenly afraid to think. If she thought, she would have to be a good girl, and tell. But her mommy had told her to think, so was she being naughty by not thinking? Fortunately, Sophie interrupted this line of reasoning.

“One last thing to remember, sweetheart. Now that you're back in diapers, we need to get you used to using them properly. Babies have no control over when they use their diapers. Often, they don't even know, and certainly don't tell anyone. So, from now on, I need you to do your best to let go of all your toilet training. You go when you go, and no forcing it or holding back. It's none of your concern whether your diaper is clean or not. Mommy will be checking you and changing you as needed.”

Christine sighed with pleasure as the words floated over her, binding her fate further and further. She could feel the the almost unnoticeable tension in her vagina and asshole collapse into perfect relaxation. She knew that she now had no desire or interest in controlling her bodily functions, and that she never would. Was she pissing herself again, or was that feeling of intense warmth the pleasure she felt at being rendered completely diaper-dependent for life? It didn't matter. The state of her diaper was no concern of hers.

“Now, why don't you put your thumb in your mouth and settle down for nice little nap? I'll be here to take care of you when you wake up.” Sophia bent forward and planted a kiss on on her daughter's forehead. Christine felt her body melt into utter relaxation as her thumb found it's way into her mouth. In moments, she was fast asleep.

Deedee  found her room. The nameplate read “Deedee's Closet”. Inside, there was only a rack of maid's uniforms and a set of cabinets. She searched through these to find they were stocked with nothing but cleaning supplies. She wondered for a moment whether this was really her only room. Shouldn't she have a bed, at the very least? But then she giggled at herself for having such a thought. If she was supposed to have one, it would be here. She knew that her opinions didn't matter. She squealed in surprise when she felt a palm give her diapered rear a swat. She spun around to see Will standing behind her.

“Hi, Will!” she said, smiling and giving a little wave. She had seen him less than a minute ago, but she still felt delighted to see him now.

“How do you like your little closet?” asked Will.

“I love it!” she said. “Are these maid outfits for me?”

“They sure are! You need to get dressed. Today you start your new job as my maid.”

“Oh thank you, Will! I'm gonna love being your maid!” gushed Deedee as she began pulling on her new uniform.

“From now on, you are to keep this entire floor spotless whenever you have nothing better to do.” Will explained as she she minutely adjusted her apron. “By which I of course mean, whenever I or someone else don't have other orders for you. You are to spend your time either cleaning or obeying your most recent command. Understand?”

Deedee completed her outfit with a frilly headpiece. “Yep!”

“From now on you will address me as 'Master'.”

Deedee gave a bow. “Yes, Master!”

“Do you have any questions?”

Deedee considered “Umm...Master, where would you like me to sleep?”

Will grinned. “You'll be sleeping in my bed, curled up at my feet.”

“Oh, thank you Master!”

“Well, get to work cleaning. Remember, there's only one thing you are not to keep clean.”

Deedee's brow furrowed. “What is that, Master?” she asked.

“Your cute little tushy!” said Will, giving her diapered rear another swat. “When that's dirty, you need to go find Sophie and get changed.”

Deedee chuckled at that as she grabbed a feather duster and headed off to look for something to clean. She couldn't believe how lucky she was.


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