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It was not until later that week that another of Mistress' toys arived at the toybox. She rang the doorbell just as Baby Dolly was finishing her lunch, that is, sitting on the couch in front of the TV and being fed her second bottle of the day by Mrs. Sugartits. Bluey was playing on the TV, which Baby Dolly had adopted recently as her favorite show, at least among the limited range of programs she was still allowed to watch. Samira was lying on her back on the carpet nearby, eagerly batting her green mouse up and down in the air and back forth across her bare belly. As usual, Mrs. Sugartits dreaded the sound of the doorbell, halfway certain that this was finally the punishment Mistress had promised her, halfway worried that it wouldn't be. She sighed, set aside the nearly-empty baby bottle, and rose to greet their visitor. Baby Dolly looked like she might say something for a moment, but then tightened her mouth and watched as her caretaker trudged toward the door with an air of resignation.

 When the door swung open, on the front step stood a woman close to Mrs. Sugartits' own age. She was a little shorter and had a somewhat fuller figure, and her chestnut hair was tied into a very tight bun. She wore wire-rim glasses, her makeup was subtle and skillfully applied, and she stood very straight as she looked Mrs. Sugartits up and down. She wore a rather severe light gray pantsuit decorated with a small white scarf under her chin, and her shoes were sensible flats. She had a large computer tablet tucked in the crook of her arm. Her demeanor was deeply serious, bordering on imperious. She looked like a woman who had a job to do.

 "Good day. You are Mrs. Sugartits, I trust?"

 The woman's voice was carefully measured, showing neither eagerness nor displeasure. She spoke in the calm, clipped tone of a professional addressing a colleague. The fact that the woman she was addressing was practically naked did not seem to phase her in the slightest, nor did the demeaning moniker that her Mistress had seen fit to inflict on her.

 "Er, yes. That's me. Are you, um, here to make a delivery, or are you a...a toy?" Mrs. Sugartits was surprised at herself to be asking someone she had just met such an embarrassing question, especially someone as professional as this woman clearly was, but she had no choice but to ask. It was, after all, a piece of it information that she needed to do her job properly.

 "I am technically classified as the later." explained the woman as she extended a stiff hand in greeting. "Theodora Smoot, at your service. You may call me Miss Smoot."

 Mrs. Sugartits gave the hand a shake. It was a firm, well-practiced handshake, and it made her feel all the more awkward. It almost felt like a bad dream in which she had somehow arrived naked to a job interview. It took her mind a moment to register that Miss Smoot had just obliquely admitted to being a toy. "Er, technically classified"? What does that mean? I mean...if that isn't too personal a question?"

 The woman shook her head slightly. "No, not at all. You see, Mrs. Sugartits, our mutual employer, Samantha, or Mistress as many of her assets refer to her, has found that administering the complex organization forming around her has become increasingly onerous and inconvenient. As a result, she has inculcated me into her service to help manage her personnel and assist with scheduling and interdepartmental communication. I shall be operating out of this facility until further notice."

 The woman's serious tone lightened somewhat as she rattled this off. She clearly took some pleasure in expositing upon her new important position. "May I come in?"

 "Oh! Of course. Welcome, er, Miss Smoot." As the sharply-dressed woman crossed the threshold, Mrs. Sugartits pulled her into a warm hug and planted a kiss on her cheek. Miss Smoot accepted both stiffly and with an approving nod, as though she had been told to expect them.

 "Thank you, Ma'am. Are you in charge of assigning space at this facility? I will require a suitable office area to work from, in addition to bedding. Do you have any areas suitable to these requirements?"

 Mrs. Sugartits was reticent to say so, but there was only one room in the house that had anything like an office area. It was her own private office area, in her own private bedroom.

 "I...I suppose that would be in the master bedroom. Er, my room." she admitted, seeing no alternative. She certainly didn't want to be accused of failing to accommodate this formidable woman, particularly since she looked like she might report any hint of resistance straight to her Mistress.

 Miss Smoot frowned apologetically at the remark, but Mrs. Sugartits could already tell that the case was hopeless. Another artifact of her former life as a free, private person was already gone, and it only had to be made official. "I see. That is regrettable, but I'm afraid my work is too important not to have a dedicated office space. And if I'm going to be working in there, it would make more sense for me to sleep there as well. It is likely that I will have to keep inconsistent hours, and I do not wish for us to 'be in one another's hair' as it were. Would you be so good as move your personal items from the area in question straight away. I have much work to get done, and my employer must not be kept waiting."

 Mrs. Sugartits sighed, but there was nothing to be done about it. What was one more indignity in such a heaping pile?

 "Yes, that's...no problem, Miss Smoot. I suppose that makes the most sense. I'll just go get the room ready for you. I can just sleep on one of the mattresses." Mrs. Sugartits was irked to have her bed stolen like this, but if a mattress in the living room was good enough for Baby Dolly, then she supposed she couldn't complain too much. At least it wasn't a cat bed.

 "I appreciate your cooperation in this matter, Mrs. Sugartits." said Miss Smoot with a slight bow. "I hope that this will not be a source of friction between us."

 Mrs. Sugartits shook her head. "No, it's fine. Although, I suppose Mistress will probably want the master bed anyway if she comes by to visit, so be prepared for that in any case."

 Miss Smoot nodded. "I'm certain that when Samantha besides to pay a visit to her toybox, we will all be far too busy being played with to worry too much about bedding arrangements."

 Mrs. Sugartits blushed at that statement, but if Miss Smoot was at all bothered by the idea, she gave no sign.

 "Um, you're okay with...being played with?" asked Mrs. Sugartits, her voice dropping, as though Samantha might be listening.

 Miss Smoot's demeanor didn't alter in the slightest. "I'm afraid I don't understand the question. Samantha designated me as her toy, and assigned me to her toybox, so it is reasonable to assume that she intends to play with me in some fashion. I may be reading too much into it, of course, and perhaps she merely wishes me to fulfill my functional roll within the organization. I am content with either outcome."

 Mrs. Sugartits' lips tightened. Miss Smoot didn't seem to bear any resentment toward Samantha, so it seemed unlikely that she would be much of an ally to Baby Dolly and herself. Having someone like her in the house might well pose a problem for the two of them. She glanced briefly toward Baby Dolly, who was observing the conversation pensively from the couch.

 "Let us turn our attention to more practical concerns, shall we? I understand that you are the one currently responsible for seeing to the personal care of the residents here?"

 Mrs. Sugartits nodded, trying unsuccessfully to hide her trepidation. "Yes. I handle the food and, uh, the cleaning."

 "I'm afraid I must ask you for additional specificity, Mrs. Sugartits. Are you the one responsible for diapering the residents?"

 Mrs. Sugartits chuckled awkwardly at the abrupt change of subject. Miss Smoot did not join her. "Um, ye-es. That's me. I handle all the diapers."

 "Excellent. In that case, it would appear that you and I will be working closely in the near future." She turned her tablet so that Mrs. Sugartits could see the screen. "I will provide you with a hard copy of the schedule for your notes, naturally, but in the short term, I will simply provide you with reminders when necessary. As you can see, my personal needs have been carefully scheduled to increase efficiency. I will be making my own arrangements as far as meals are concerned, so you don't need to include me in your feeding schedule, but you have been assigned responsibility for my personal hygiene requirements. As you can see, I will be making use of my diapers at 8am, 1pm, and 6pm, and I must insist that you see that I am properly serviced within a fifteen minute window following each of those times. You will also need to see to my regular bathing, and the proper care for my teeth, hair, clothing, etc. Do you understand your new responsibilities as I've explained them?"

 Mrs. Sugartits blinked as she stared at the chart. She didn't know whether to laugh or scream. She glanced back at Baby Dolly, who was leaning forward and listening with eyes wide in disbelief. "Um, you're going to...use your diapers...on a schedule?"

 "I did just go over that with you, Mrs. Sugartits. Please try to pay attention. I assure you, my role as a diaper-filler is just as important as any of my administrative duties, and you can be sure I take each of my assigned tasks very seriously." She said, her voice stern with conviction. "Now, I shall be going tinkles in my diapers quite frequently throughout the day, but you needn't trouble yourself about that. It's only when I make my boom-booms at the scheduled intervals that your services will be required. My new diet should ensure that my stinkies are both adequately plentiful and sufficiently smelly to satisfy our employer's specifications. The task of changing me will also include recording my dirty diapers photographically, both before and after the change, and sending the images to Samantha for her review and, hopefully, approval. I trust that you can manage your wiping and powdering functions without too much supervision on my part. Do you understand your role in these arrangements?"

 Mrs. Sugartits blew out a ragged breath. She could hardly believe that Miss Smoot had kept a straight face through all that. Especially the "boom-boom" part. "I...I suppose if this is what my Mistress wants, then there's...there's really no point in complaining about it, is there?"

 "I certainly concur. Would you be so kind as to get me in my new diapers without further delay? My bladder is in need of some relief, and I am no longer permitted to use a restroom for any of my necessities."

 Mrs. Sugartits swallowed hard to steady herself, then retrieved her diaper bag. She laid out the changing mat in the center of the living room and directed Theodora Smoot to sit down. It was almost eerie how the woman manged to make the motion of seating herself on the mat and spreading her legs seem elegant and even somehow dignified. She ignored Mrs. Sugartits and tapped away on her tablet as her sensible shoes, dress slacks, and practical panties were removed. She seemed too preoccupied with her work to even notice that she was being put back in diapers.

 "Will these be...okay for you?" asked Mrs. Sugartits nervously. She showed Miss Smoot a package of "Big Baby" diapers with cheerful teddy bear decorations.

 She didn't look up from her tablet. "If they are in my size, I'm sure they will be adequate for the purpose, at least for the time being. I'll leave the details in your capable hands, Mrs. Sugartits."

 A minute or so later, Miss Smoot's butt was powdered and sealed into a very bulky Big Baby diaper. The hem of her suit jacket was flared out somewhat by the bulging plastic. She stood and smoothed out her outfit, apparently satisfied with the look and feel of her new "underwear".

 "Excellent work. I believe I will forego my pants and shoes for the time being. It will make changing my diapers more efficient. If you could just show me to the office area, I need to start getting set up."

 The mood of the household shifted quite a bit after Miss Smoot moved in. In spite of the fact that the woman spent nearly the entire day working in small office in the master bedroom, Mrs. Sugartits was far less wiling to modify her treatment of Baby Dolly to be less babyish and embarrassing. Even if something she did didn't technically contradict any of her Mistress' orders, she couldn't take the risk that Miss Smoot would overhear her and report to Mistress. Conversations between Baby Dolly and Mrs. Sugartits that didn't consist of Baby Dolly being reminded, in a clear and unmodified voice, that she ought to be ashamed to still be wearing baby diapers at her age, had to be conducted in whispers, and even then only when the shower was running. She was very worried that Baby Dolly's outspoken nature might get her into trouble, and told her as much the next time she gave her a shower.

 "Be very, very careful with that woman in the house. Don't say anything at all if you can help it. No telling what Mistress might do to us if she overheard something." she whispered fiercely.

 "I know, I know! I'm not dumb. You be careful too." Baby Dolly whispered back.

 "Also, it's really embarrassing that you still need to be diapered like a baby. A woman your age shouldn't still be making messy diapers." reminded Mrs. Sugartits.

 "...noted." muttered Baby Dolly, giving a sarcastic thumbs up as she spread her legs so that Mrs. Sugartits could scrub her inner thighs.

 Deliveries began to made to the house far more frequently after Miss Smoot moved in. A high-end computer, printer, and office chair were brought to the door later that same day, and from there the deliveries began arriving multiple times a day. Large loads of groceries, stuffed animals, and additional diapers trickled into the house on an almost daily basis. An adult-sized crib, changing table, high-chair, playpen, and diaper pail appeared one at a time. Miss Sugartits set them up in the living-room, as there was wasn't room anywhere else. Most of the workers carrying these in seemed to be merely bored employees of one faceless corporate empire or another, but in some cases it was hard to miss the fact that many deliveries were now being made by more of their Mistress' playthings. Those who wore cheerleader's outfits, pink tutus, french maid uniforms, or revealing swimwear were quite obvious, especially when accompanied by an attitude of glowing enthusiasm. Most seemed only to be capable of praising their Mistress with every word they spoke.

 "I bring you these groceries as a token of my utter submission to our wonderful Mistress! Let us all give thanks for our new lives of joyful servitude! May she continue to control us and compel us to do her bidding in all things!"

 "Heeeere's your new diaper pail, losers! Whoa, clearly it's badly needed, too! Someone around here is a stanker! Mistress sure does know who needs to be kept in diapers, doesn't she? Aight, later. I gotta go clean the gutters at Mistress' house."

 "This changing table should be very useful for humiliating our Mistress toys! I will be very happy to set it up for you! Perhaps if I do a very good job, Mistress will be kind enough to let me rub her feet and kiss her glorious backside once again!"

 Mercifully, many of them simply sucked on pacifiers and left without saying a word. Some were grinning with enthusiasm, but more and more seemed bored and disengaged, merely going through the motions that Mistress had assigned them. Mrs. Sugartits' trepidation toward answering the door gradually faded. It simply wasn't worth the effort anymore. She even allowed herself to vaguely suspect that her Mistress may have simply forgotten about her punishment, considering how many and varied her new servants apparently were now.

 Many of the delivery workers came bearing food for Miss Smoot. Whatever diet Mistress had prescribed to her was clearly not light on calories. When a stack of three pizzas were delivered one afternoon, Mrs. Sugartits and Baby Dolly naturally assumed that they would be having a little household pizza party. But they were wrong. Miss Smoot took the whole pile back to her office, and none of them were ever seen again. This became quite a regular occurrence. Sometimes the delivery was of Chinese food, or Italian, or even a selection of pastries from a local bakery, but whatever it was, it would always appear to be much too large for one person, and it was always for Miss Smoot alone. She also seemed to feast on a variety of protein and fiber supplements, and would often take a break from whatever administrative work was absorbing her attention to fix herself a shake in the kitchen.

 This new diet apparently had the intended effect. True to her word, Miss Smoot packed her pampers three times a day at precise intervals. She didn't stay at her desk on these occasions, however. She strode into the living room each time, with an air of confidence and pride that would have been funny had it not been so grim. Baby Dolly had little choice but to watch, as Miss Smoot often stood directly between her and the television. Then, she would take a deep breath, adopt a wide stance, bend at the waist, ball her hands into fists, and strain with an audible grunt. What followed was an unbelievable cacophony of farts and squelches, the rear of her thick diaper swelling visibly behind her. Miss Smoot crapped her pants like it was an Olympic sport. Her messes were the stuff of legend. Baby Dolly and Samira the cat working together couldn't have produced such a mess, even over the course of a full day.

When she finished, Miss Smoot would straighten up, and her professional demeanor would return as though it had never left.

"Mrs. Sugartits, I have completed my boom-booms. I am ready for you now." she stated calmly, her messy diaper now sagging between her legs.

 It was just after Mrs. Sugartits had finished wiping up yet another of Miss Smoot's messes that her promised spanking finally arrived. There was no knock at the door, so she didn't even have the chance to be worried. She had just dropped the honeydew-sized messy diaper into the new diaper pail and was just about to tape Miss Smoot into a fresh one when the door suddenly swung open without warning.

  A short but very fit-looking young woman in light pink hospital scrubs strode confidently in and kicked the door closed behind her with a bang. She stood with her white-gloved hands on her hips. Her face was set in a glare of grim determination. "Are you Mrs. Sugartits?"

 Mrs. Sugartits blanched as she looked up from her work on Miss Smoot's naked rear. "Um, yes, that's me. Are you here to..."

 "I'm here to spank your very naughty butt, Mrs. Sugartits." interrupted the young woman. She sounded utterly furious. She crossed the room with two big steps and snatched Mrs. Sugartits' wrist in an iron grip.

 "Ah! Could I...could I just finish taping up Miss Smoot?" whined Mrs. Sugartits as she was painfully wrenched to her feet by the muscular young nurse. She was grabbed by her ear for her trouble.

 "No. You may not. You will speak only when spoken to, you hear me?" growled the young woman, pulling Mrs. Sugartits head closer to speak into her ear.

 "...yes." she whispered, terrified.

 An instant later, a handprint made of molten iron had appeared on her right buttock. "Speak up, Sugartits!"

 "Yes!" she gasped in pain.

 "You will address me as Nurse Mindy, is that understood?"

 "Yes, Nurse Mindy!" she whimpered.

 Nurse Mindy pressed a fingertip against Mrs. Sugartits' lips. "You have been a very, very bad girl, and I'm going give you a punishment that won't soon forget. You'll remember this the next time you dare to question our Mistress! Your insolence will not be tolerated, not by our Mistress and not by me! Get on your hands and knees! Now!"

 Mrs. Sugartits obeyed, eyes puffy with fear. Baby Dolly watched helplessly from the couch. Samira sat beside her on the floor, rubbing her head against her leg. Miss Smoot lay on the changing table, completely absorbed in her tablet.

 Snap. Mrs. Sugartits whimpered as another painful slap landed on the other cheek. Then two more, one after the other. "Crawl." ordered Nurse Mindy.

 The nurse began to drive Mrs. Sugartits around the room, slapping her bare rear again and again as she berated the older woman.

 "Naughty! (Smack) Disobedient! (Smack) Brat! (Smack) You will do exactly (Smack) as your Mistress commands (Smack) and you'll do it with a smile on your face! (Smack) Do you hear me?"

 After chasing her around the room for a while, the nurse dragged Mrs. Sugartits over to the couch, where she seated herself next to Baby Dolly. Mrs. Sugartits' cheeks were already bright pink, even before she was laid across the nurse's lap and the spanking began in earnest.

 "I had better (Smack) never hear of this sort of (Smack) behavior from you ever again! (Smack) I couldn't believe my ears when Mistress told me! (Smack) You had better be the sweetest (Smack), most submissive (Smack), most humble little servant (Smack) for our Mistress from now on! (Smack) No more defiance, ever! (Smack) Is that clear?"

 "Yesss, yes Nurse Mindy!" sobbed Mrs. Sugartits. Her butt cheeks were turning cherry red. "Please, stoop!"

 "Disgraceful.(Smack) It's no wonder you can't even obey Mistress properly. (Smack) I have my own job to do, you know! (Smack) I have important work to do at the hospital! (Smack) You think I want to drive down here every week just to spank some useless (Smack) little brat?"

 "Every week?" squeaked Mrs. Sugartits as slaps continued to rain down on her unprotected backside.

 "That'll be ten extra spanks for talking out of turn! (Smack)(Smack) And yes, I'm going to be blistering your naughty behind (Smack) each and every week (Smack) until Mistress says differently! Dare to question her again and it'll be twice a week! Is that clear?"(Smack)

 "Yesssss, Nurse Mindy!" gasped poor Mrs. Sugartits. Gradually, the spanks began to slow, then with two final hard slaps, Nurse Mindy finally stopped and began rubbing Mrs. Sugartits' sore buttocks back and forth.

 "Now, are you going to remember your place from now on? Are you going to be completely and unquestioningly obedient to Mistress and do exactly what she says, when she says?"

 "Yes! Yes! I'm sorry, Nurse Mindy! Please sto-op! Please!"

 "Are you going to be a good girl from now on?" asked Nurse Mindy archly.

 "Yes! I'll be good! I'll be a good girl! Pleeease!

 Nurse Mindy's hand gradually slowed, then returned to rapid fire speed for a short burst, once again revisiting every square inch of Mrs. Sugartits' glowing rear. "Let's hope you've learned your lesson, arrogant little brat! If you can manage to behave yourself and show our marvelous Mistress her due respect, I'll see you next week. Now, if you'll be so kind as excuse me, I have real work to see to."

 With that, Nurse Mindy shoved Mrs. Sugartits off the couch and left her sprawled on the carpeted floor. She dusted her hands against each other, stuck her nose in the air, and breezed out the front door.

 There was a long silence. A car started up and drove away into the night. Mrs. Sugartits sat on the carpet, took a long, choking breath, and began to sob. Once she had settled down enough to breath properly, she started to bawl. The pain, the humiliation, the helplessness, the fear, the utter certainty of what the future held for her...it was all far too much. She lay on the carpet, tears streaming down her cheeks. Baby Dolly and Samira both watched her, eyes puffy with sympathy.

 Baby Dolly bent forward and whispered something into Samira's ear. She gently scratched the base of the cat-woman's spine, making her stick her chin in the air and purr appreciatively as she listened. Suddenly, her expression became serious.

 "Meow." confirmed the cat-woman. She turned and grabbed Baby Dolly's bubblegum pink tank top (labeled Dumb-Dumb in puffy pink letters) in her teeth. She began dragging the doll-woman across the carpet. Baby Dolly, suddenly able to move now that she had even a token amount of assistance, slid herself across the carpet and settled down next to Mrs. Sugartits. Without a word, she nudged the older woman's apron out of the way and latched onto her left breast. She drew the teat back and forth between her lips, slurping noisily.

 Mrs. Sugartits gasped in surprise. Despite her puffy eyes and tear-streaked cheeks, the corners of her mouth immediately curled up.

 "But...I...you don't even like this...do you?" she asked, her face torn between surprise, confusion, and growing pleasure as Baby Dolly worked at her nipple energetically.

 Baby Dolly took a few more long, noisy sucks at Mrs. Sugartit's left breast before answering. "Eh. I can take it or leave it." she reported disinterestedly. She switched to the right side for a little, causing Mrs. Sugartits to moan loudly and visibly relax. "I mean, you do lots of stuff for me, and you're having a rough day, so I figure you deserve to feel good for a little while."

 Mrs. Sugartits sighed in joy and hugged Baby Dolly against her. She sniffled softly and rocked back and forth as Baby Dolly suckled away, still showing no sign of any particular emotion.

 Miss Smoot cleared her throat irritably from her place on the changing pad. She had been too absorbed by her tablet to take any interest in the drama that had just played out in the living room.

 "It is almost 6:15, Mrs. Sugartits." she reported absently. "Don't keep Mistress waiting for her other photo."


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