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"Uh, hi. Is your name, like, Sugartits? Okay, cool. Sooo, Mistress says I'm supposed to, like, live here now?"

 She had her black hair into a ponytail and wore a sky blue workout top. Her tight yoga pants were lime green, and her sneakers were bright white and nearly new. She looked like she had been interrupted halfway through a workout. She had a look on her face somewhere between intense boredom and vague irritation. She spoke carelessly and with a slight questioning inflection, implying that she wasn't certain of anything, but else simply didn't care that much. She behaved as though just talking and focusing her eyes were not really worth her effort.

 "Yes, of course. Come on in." said Mrs. Sugartits with an apologetic smile.

 As she strode across the threshold, Mrs. Sugartits' instructions kicked in once again, and she pulled the woman into an enthusiastic hug and gave her an affectionate peck on the cheek. She felt intensely awkward doing it, but the young woman seemed completely unfazed by the incongruously intimate gesture, not even pulling away or wincing. She merely stared ahead and waiting for Mrs. Sugartits to finish.

 "Er...I guess I shall be...um...looking after you now? So, you're one of Mistress' toys too, I guess?" asked Mrs. Sugartits, smiling nervously despite her guest's total lack of enthusiasm.

 The young woman nodded slightly. "Uh, yeah...? I guess we both belong to her now? "

 Mrs. Suagrtits blushed and nodded. "Y-yes. Mistress says its my job to look after her other toys, so I suppose I'm here for you if you need anything. What is your name, dear?"

 The woman groaned slightly and crossed her arms. "Yeah. My name is, uh, Baby Dolly."

 "I see. I take it that wasn't your name originally?" said Mrs. Sugartits, giggling slightly in an attempt to lighten the mood. She was met only with a glare of irritation. She felt foolish for having asked.

 Only then did Mrs. Sugratits notice the large dark patch in the front of Baby Dolly's purple jeans. "Oh my! Uh, did you...have an accident, sweetie?"

 Baby Dolly sighed and rolled her eyes in annoyance. "No, I just...had to go, so I did. Mistress says I'm only allowed to pee in whatever I'm wearing now. I'm not allowed to hold it or use the toilet or anything. I just...wet myself now, I guess."

 Mrs. Sugartits frowned. That seemed like a terrible situation to her, but Babydoll had mentioned it casually, like one might mention a slight allergy to papaya. "Oh! Well, I'm awfully sorry about that."

 Babydolls' only response was a half-hearted shrug. "Eh, is what it is. You got anything to eat around here? I'm kinda hungry. Mistress made me walk halfway across town to get here. My feet hurt."

 "Oh, no!" said Mrs. Sugartits, her forehead creasing in sympathy. "In your wet pants? That sounds awful. Here, I'll fix you something to eat." she paused and blushed heavily before voicing her other suggestion. "Uh, Mistress did sent us some diapers that I think would...probably fit you? Why don't you put one on while I get your dinner ready ? I was just wondering who all these were...were for."

 Mrs. Sugartits pointed out the numerous large packages of adult diapers, with their absurdly insensitive brand names and juvenile decorations. She was embarrassed to be offering

 something like this to a guest in her home, but that was clearly what her Mistress had intended them for. Baby Dolly winced distastefully at the sight of them. It was the strongest display of emotion she had made since her arrival.

 "Wooow. Um, Are those like, the only ones you have?"

 Mrs. Sugartits was actually surprised that the young lady was taking her newfound need for diapers as well as she was. She would have been horrified to be told she would need to wear diapers, yet this young woman seemed to have no issues beyond the color of their decorations. "Well, yes. These are the ones Mistress provided for you...um, is there a pattern you would prefer? You can have teddy bears, or blocks, or balloons? Hearts?"

 Baby Dolly shrugged. "Meh, whatever. Can you help me put it on?"

 Mrs. Sugartits looked at Baby Dolly, concerned. "You need...help?"

 Baby Dolly rolled her eyes, sighed dramatically, and nodded. "Yeah, actually, I guess I just need you to put them on for me? I, like, can't even really help. Mistress says I'm not allowed to change my clothes anymore." Her forehead wrinkled, as though an unpleasant thought had just occured to her. "Or like...feed myself. Or do much of anything for myself, really. Mistress says I'm supposed to be, like, a lazy little bitch who can't do anything for myself? Cuz I'm just a Baby Dolly now? Sorry if that's, like, a drag."

 Mrs. Sugartits pinched the bridge of her nose. It was ridiculous to be left with such a job simply because Mistress, for some reason or other, had decided that this grown woman should be unable to care for herself. Never the less, she had to fulfill her new purpose in life, whether she liked it or not. It was her job to look after her Mistress' toys, and Mistress had specifically charged her with keeping them clean and comfortable. If that meant caring for a grown woman as though she were a helpless infant, up to and including changing her diapers, then that was simply what she had to do. She sighed and nodded.

 "Well, alright then. Let's...let's get you changed."

 "Greaaat." Baby Dolly retrived her phone from her pocket and focused all her attention on it as Mrs. Sugartits got to work, removing her shoes, then unzipping her tight pants and pulling them down. They were quite tight, so she had quite a bit of difficulty removing them, especially considering how wet they were. While she worked, Baby Dolly merely boredly tapped and swiped at her phone, as though she were waiting for a bus. After some struggling, Mrs. Sugartits eventually asked Baby Dolly to sit down on the floor to make it easier. She complied, slowly but without complaint, offering no more resistance than an impatient scowl. It was clear that she had no interest in helping or hindering her changing in any serious way, even if she were able to. By the time Mrs. Sugartits had managed to free her from her yellow-stained thong she was getting quite frustrated. She certainly had no intention of trying to get the younger woman's pants back on. Even if they had been clean and dry, which they certainly weren't, she doubted they would fit over the bulky diapers that she now slid under her butt and taped neatly into place around her waist. They made her butt look like a white beachball covered in pink hearts.

 "Sorry, I'll to add these to the laundry pile and get them back to you as soon as I can. Er, I might have some sweat pants or something you could borrow in the meantime." she offered.

 Baby Dolly glanced up from her phone. "Ew. No offense, Sugartits, but I don't think we wear the same size."

 That was certainly true, although not stated very tactfully. Mrs. Sugartits frowned slightly, but decided to let the matter drop. She was required to keep Baby Dolly fed and cleaned, but there were no specific instructions regarding concealing her diapers. She decided to let the matter go for now.

 "Oh. well, Let's have go ahead and have some dinner." said Mrs. Sugartits.

 "Sure." muttered Baby Dolly, still not looking up from her phone. She continued to sit on the floor.

 Baby Dolly clearly wasn't about to be very proactive with her situation, so Mrs. Sugartits decided to try a more assertive approach. She took the younger woman gently by the arm and pulled her to her feet. To her surprise, Baby Dolly rose to a standing position quite easily. She placed a guiding hand on the woman's back and gently pushed her toward the dining room. "Come along, dear."

 Baby Dolly moved forward easily, still not looking up from her phone. Mrs. Sugartits saw that she was texting someone. "Who are you talking to?" she asked, trying to fill the awkward silence.

 "My old roomate." muttered Baby Dolly as Mrs. Sugartits pulled out a chair for her and seated her at the table. There was a long pause. By the time Baby Dolly decided to continue, Mrs. Sugartits already had two bowls of black bean stew heating up in the microwave. "I just gotta let her know that I'm not coming back today, and she has a buttload of questions. It's like, how was I supposed to know Mistress was gonna make me a toy and send me to live in her damn toybox? It's not like it was up to me or anything. Geez."

 Mrs. Sugartits wondered if Baby Dolly's old roommate would cause any trouble for her Mistress. She might find the story that Baby Dolly was now relating pretty hard to swallow. Still, what could she do about it? Even if she came over here, it wouldn't change the fact that the two of them had to stay here. If she called the police, what would she tell them? Mistress hadn't broken the law in any way that she could think of.

 Mrs. Sugartits was so absorbed in these thoughts that it took her a moment to realize that Baby Dolly was staring hungrily at the steaming bowl in front of her. "Oh! Sorry. Forgot you can't feed yourself."

 "I did mention that." grumbled Baby Dolly sourly.

 "Yes, yes you did. Er, here, open wide for me."

 Baby Dolly's mouth dropped open as Mrs. Sugartits guided the spoonful from her bowl to her mouth. It took a few tries to get this right. At first, Baby Dolly spat the food over shirt, complaining that it was too hot, but Mrs. Sugartits gently blew on the next one. Soon, the pair had worked out a convenient rhythm, and the bowl slowly emptied.

 "So, er...what were you doing before you met Mistress?"

 Baby Dolly stared ahead, not answering. Mrs. Sugartits decided not to press the matter. She proceeded to finish spooning soup into her guest's mouth, while telling her about her work at the hall of records. She didn't suppose that Baby Dolly would find any of it very interesting, but then she didn't seem very interested in anything, and Mrs. Sugartits found it soothing to talk about her old life, before Mistress had taken it over. Finally, the bowl was empty, and Mrs. Sugartits used a paper towel to wipe Baby Doly's face and shirt.

 "All done. How would you like to watch some TV before bed?"

 "Eh. Whatever."

 Mrs. Sugartits tried not to take her guest's lack of enthusiasm to heart. She guessed that this was also her Mistress' doing, for some insane reason or another. She took Baby Dolly by the wrist and walked her over to the couch.

 "I hate to ask, but would you mind sitting on the floor? It's just...well, you know." said Mrs. Sugartits cautiously. She didn't want to embarrass her guest, but she also didn't entirely trust Baby Dolly's diaper to keep the couch dry.

 "Pfff." spat Baby Dolly bitterly. "Just...put me where you want me. I don't even care."

 Mrs. Sugartits noticed the blush in her guest's cheeks as she spoke. Despite her apparently blase attitude, she really was embarrassed to be diapered and taken care of like an infant. Mrs. Sugartits instantly felt bad for having brought up the issue. Baby Dolly wasn't trying to be rude or unfriendly. She was trapped in the same awful situation that she herself was, subject to the whims of their Mistress. As nice as her couch was, it wasn't worth this young woman's dignity. She gently seated her on the couch, guiding her into place with hands on hips.

 Baby Dolly sighed and settled into the couch. "Th-thanks." she muttered.

 "Don't mention it. Anything else I can do for you?"

 "Can I like, just watch TV for a while? You have Netflix?" she asked, sounding exhausted.

 "Sure, honey. What would you like to watch?" asked Sugartits, hunting down the remote.

 "I like Black Mirror." she stated, with no more than her usual enthusiasm.

 Mrs. Sugartits had never seen that, but she hunted through the menus and pulled up an episode for her guest. The show looked a bit scary to her, but she reasoned that her guest ought to have something her own way today, at least. Ignoring the television, she finished her own dinner, washed the dishes, and was just getting started on a load of laundry when her cell phone rang. The number was unknown, but she had a good idea of who it might be. Swallowing and taking a deep breath, she took the call.

 "Sugartits Residence."

 "Hey Mrs. Sugartits!" said the jeering voice of Samantha. "Are you being a good little servant for your Mistress?"

 "Yes, Mistress. I'm following all of your instructions to the letter."

 "Good to hear it! Has my Baby Dolly gotten there yet?

 "Yes, Mistress. I've fed her her dinner and put her in a diaper. Now she's watching TV. That is alright, isn't it?"

 For a time, all Mrs. Sugartits heard was her Mistress snickering. "Yeah, that'll be just fine, Sugartits. How's she taking it?"

 "Well, I think she is quite embarrassed, and she doesn't seem to terribly pleased with the decorations on her diapers, but she seems fairly relaxed overall."

 Mistress laughed again. "Boy, I'll bet! Now, I have some special instructions regarding Baby Dolly. Is she still wearing that workout outfit of hers?"

 "Only the top, Mistress. Her yoga pants were wet when she arrived, and I don't think they'll fit over her diaper."

 "Well, get rid of all that. Baby Dolly isn't allowed to wear anything an adult would wear. Dress her in those stupid dolly outfits I bought for her."

 Mrs. Sugartits sagged at these words. She knew she was taking a risk, but she had to say something. "Yes, Mistress. But...Well, Mistress, I really don't think she'll like that. Perhaps I could..." she began cautiously.

 "I think she'll manage! Oh, the inflatable rubber diaper cover I sent you is also for her. That's the only thing she's allowed to wear over her diapers. Make sure she gets plenty of time to waddle around in her special balloon pants. Now let's see...be sure to remind her all the time that she's way too old to still be in diapers, and how embarrassing it is to still not be potty trained at her age. Always address her with embarrassing nicknames, like Potty-Pants or Diaper-Butt. Oh, and no grown-up shows for her. Monitor her television viewing to make sure what she's watching is appropriate for a dumb little diaper baby. Start breastfeeding her, too."

 Sugartit's head was spinning with all the new orders she would need to carry out now. "Er, Mistress...I don't know if I can start lactating just like that..."

 Her mistress only blew a derisive raspberry at this. "Please! You can just give her a nice baba full of baby formula when its time to actually feed her. Making her suck your titties all the time is just a cute way to humiliate her and make her feel like a stupid little baby. Understand?"

 "Er, yes Mistress." said Sugartits slowly. Steeling her nerves, he tried again. "But...Mistress, isn't that a little...mean? I just feel bad treating her like this..."

 "Stop. It's not your place to question me, Sugartits. Just for that, I'm sending someone around to give you a spanking."

 "Oh..." groaned Sugartits sadly. She certainly didn't want to be spanked, but she recognized that it was her own fault for forgetting her place. Her Mistress continued.

 "And you'll enjoy treating Baby Dolly like a stupid baby. You love humiliating her and making her feel pathetic. Everything about it just turns you on in a huge way. Got that?"

 Sugartits drew in a breath. Suddenly the idea of having a living baby doll to embarrass with diapers and silly costumes sounded incredibly hot. She suddenly ached with desire at the idea of fitting Baby Dolly with a ridiculous pair of inflatable rubber panties and making her suckle on her breasts, all while telling her she was too old to still be in diapers. "Yes, Mistress. I'm very sorry for questioning you. I...I'll do exactly as you wish."

 "Oh, don't worry, I know. Now, I've already sent you my next toy. She's going to serve as the house's cat. Put her collar and cat ears on her, and get rid of all her human clothes. Put her in diapers as well, that'll save you having to clean a litter box. Apart from that, treat her exactly like a cute little kitty-cat. Pet her, rub her belly, put her bowl of cat food in a corner with her water bowl and her scratching post, makes sure she's taken care of like the cute little housepet she is. Later, loser!"

 Mistress hung up. Mrs. Sugartits felt very uneasy as she put the phone back in her apron pocket. She was suddenly very aroused, and her nipples were standing at attention in anticipation of what they were about to receive, but a feeling of heaviness had settled in the pit of her stomach. Although she had already known it, it was now confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt: Her Mistress was not a good person at all. She knew for certain that she would hate being a servant to such a heartless woman.

 Still, she had work to do. She knew it was not her place to question her Mistress' orders. She knew that disobeying any of them, or even slightly modifying them, was definitely not an option.



The intensity that I am anticipating what's in store for Baby Dolly. I love that she hates what is happening to her. I simply adore that she is humiliated but too lazy to do anything about it. Ioooove that she's seemingly hot, and fit and knows she shouldn't be acting the way she's acting. I really hope there's lots more of her to come in future chapters, ugh. Can't wait to see the sickingly sweet but mocking Sugartits exacerbate the humiliation tenfold, btw.


Ps. You are a god.