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I have finally finished, this work is one of the ones that has taken me the most work, not because of its difficulty but because of the expressiveness that I wanted to achieve in it, I wanted to give it more space and not rush it in case I get an acrylic figure with parts in the near future 🗿 *

Enjoy the clothing variations and NSFW versions 🛐

Al fin he terminado, esta obra es de las que mas trabajo me han llevado no por su dificultad sino por la expresividad que quise lograr en ella, quise darle mas espacio y no apresurarlo por si saco alguna figura acrilica con partes en un futuro próximo 🗿*

Disfruten de las variaciones de ropa y versiones NSFW 🛐




Another wonderful piece of art 😁. All the variations are so amazing, it's hard to pick an absolute favorite. I love all the little variations of her look, to the pose and facial expression. Amazing.


Thanks! I really put a lot of effort into this work, I do it clearly in all of them but I had intentions that in the future it would come out as an acrylic figure to see how it would be represented physically, I love her and her design for this type of work is pretty good