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ENG  This week we will have the vote for the final illustration, Rukia, as the winner of the previous poll, will wait until next month, even so she will have an illustration soon with an exclusive nsfw variation, so we will have Rukia for a while haha. If you have characters you want me to add to the survey, don't hesitate to mention them here.

The exclusive illustration of the month is normally uploaded in the last week as usual.

I want to warn you that I am also working on a magazine-type illustration of Zero two but it will have many variations of clothing and an nsfw version, we will see how long it takes to arrive but it will be there shortly. And we may have a commissioned work from DIsgae 4 but we are going to try to have some work from Rukia in between this 🗿


Esta semana tendremos la votación para la ilustración final, Rukia como fue la ganadora de la encuesta anterior esperará para el próximo mes, aun así tendrá una ilustración dentro de poco con variación exclusiva nsfw, asi que tendremos Rukia para rato ajaaj. Si tienen personajes que quieran que agregue a la encuesta no duden en mencionarlo por acá.

La ilustración exclusiva del mes lo normal es que se suba en la última semana como es de costumbr

Quiero avisar que estoy trabjando tambien en una ilustración de Zero two tipo revista pero que tendrá muchas variaciones de ropa y versión nsfw, vamos a ver cuanto tarda en llegar pero estará dentro de poco. Y posiblemente tengamos un trabajao comisionado de DIsgae 4 pero vamos a tratar de que entre medio de esto hayan algunos trabajos de Rukia 🗿




Would you consider ever adding Ninny Spangcole from burn the witch?


Of course, those who are notified here in the comments I will add them, let's see if she has good luck in the survey 💖


I am always happy to see more Rukia! She always looks incredible in your style. Any chance you'll ever tackle some of legendary ladies of classic anime like from Gunsmith Cats, TRIGUN and Tenchi Muyo?


I just saw her designs, and yes, I could add one of the two to the list. I'll try to put some other popular characters in case anyone wants more of them but we'll see who ends up winning the vote, thanks for the suggestion 💖