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I know that Futaba has been one of the girls who has asked me the most or has fought the most in the voting, which is why I wanted to give them this gift of illustrations so that they can help me choose the outfit that she will have at her own work 👀, the most named below will be the one you end up using and clearly its exclusive nsfw version

Good luck to the elections and may the best combination win 🗿💜

Se que futaba ha sido una de las chicas que mas me han pedido o mas ha luchado en las votación, por esto he querido darles este regalo de ilustraciones para que me ayuden a elegir el outfit que tendrá ella en su propio trabajo 👀, el mas nombrado abajo será el que termine usando y claramente su versión exclusiva nsfw

Suerte a las elecciones y que gane la mejor combinación 🗿💜




6, 3 and 2 are amazing