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Very recently a new gacha came out from Hoyoverse and the truth is that its designs made everyone fall in love haha, whether it's the shark girl or the girl with the pigtails, I feel like there's a lot of good design, in this case I wanted to make one of the runes that I like the most. I liked them, I know it's not because of popularity but I found Soukaku's design quite cute in general so I had to work on it in the best way 🖐️🗿🤚, If this has support I may continue making more of this franchise or even one of Genshin or Honkai

Enjoy all the variations that come out as always and the versions that have the most lore 🗿in the downloadable file 🛐

Hace muy poco salió un nuevo gacha de Hoyoverse y la verdad sus diseños hicieron que todos terminaran enamorados ajaja, sea por la chica tiburon o la chica de las coletas siento que hay mucho buen diseño, en este caso quise hace runa de las que mas me han gustado, se que no es por popularidad pero Soukaku se me hizo bastante lindo su diseño en general asi que tocaba trabajarla de la mejor manera 🖐️🗿🤚, Si esto tiene apoyo puede que siga haciendo mas de esta franquicia o incluso de alguna de Genshin o Honkai

Disfruten igual de todas las variaciones que salen como siempre y las versiones que mas lore tienen 🗿en el archivo descargable 🛐




Oh wow! You continue to impress and inspire me! I thought this character was really cute and charming. and definitely deserves your attention. I also really like Nekomata! I'll probably do a pin up of her myself. Awesome work, as always!


Yeah! The truth is that it is a simple but very cute design, I have my attention with the girl with the orange hair pigtails haha, maybe something will come out of her Nekomata I think she is one of the most popular or the ones that caught people's attention the most, she is actually quite good despite being simple but I fell in love with her gestures or her animations in that trailer thank you! I'm glad to continue captivating 🛐🛐💜

MV moXley a.K.a Katsuhiro Evans

excelente trabajo como siempre 🛐 (y para que decir del lore) hace poco que empeze a jugar el ZZZ y las personajes son 🛐 ojala sigas con muchas mas, y denuevo excelente trabajo querido wali 🗿🛐


Tenía ganas de hacer a la prota o la pelo naranja , son mis favs sjsjs pero creo que no tienen popularidad como la tiburón 🥲 , aunque ahorita van a caer antes una shimakaze, la baterista de K-on y Nero de black Clover 🗿💜