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Here we finish all the individual designs that came out of the 2B banner, with its variations and even its NSFW exclusivity, this was one of the ones that I liked the most because of how expressive her body was, although I feel that it gave the final touch to close that banner. For now we are going to rest from 2B but the Asuka x Rei banner and a surprise Toga will be coming soon 🗿🚬

Aqui terminamos todos los diseños individuales que salieron del banner de 2B, con sus variaciones e incluso su exclusividad NSFW, ete fue de los que mas me gusto pro como quedo de expresivo su cuerpo aunque siento que dio el toque final apra cerrar ese banner. Por ahora vamos a descansar de 2B pero proximamente se viene el banner de Asuka x Rei y una sorpresiva Toga 🗿🚬




Loved getting to see all 5 of these sets. Each one was amazing to see. I gotta say to, you have a great talent for drawing a beautiful peach on 2B.


Thank you hahaha, it is an aspect of her that had to be highlighted, and the good thing about this is that her expressiveness improves every time, one day she will have to show the peach to good old Rukia or Yoruichi and it's time to be prepared 🗿💜