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This work came very out of nowhere haha, I was making a stream recently and I had an idea to remake AI illustrations and well this was my result, I had to correct things so that it made sense and with that a pretty good haircut was born for Rukia 🛐.

A Ubel from the Frieren franchise will soon come with exclusive advantages for Patreons and clearly the power that is pending, which already looks pretty good from the sketch 🗿🚬


Este trabajo surgió muy de la nada jaja , estaba haciendo un stream hace poco y me surgió una idea de rehacer ilustraciones de IA y bueno este fue mi resultado, tuve que corregir cosas para que tenga sentido y con ello nacio un corte de pelo bastante bueno para Rukia 🛐.

Prontó vendrá una Ubel de la franquicia de Frieren con ventajas exclusivas para los Patreon y claramente la power que está pendiente que ya por el boceto tiene una pinta bastante buena 🗿🚬



David Blackburn

Kinda gives me a fate series vibe, absolutely love it


Yes! The blonde girl is from Fate, exactly Artoria Pendragon, she is quite used in the AI so I found it curious to see that haircut and clothing style on Rukia, it looks incredible on her thank you 🛐💖


looks amazing!!!!!