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enjoy soft medusa and blind lady content !! i know i sure do

thank god for me taking ref pictures of greek statues because holy shit old statue texture is impossible to just imagine

will have long stretches of silence as my semester comes to a close but know i'm still trying to pump out content for y'all!! i always feel bad posting just rough sketches but i need to get over it and start posting them !!!!! in my head it's like u guys want to see finished drawings and neat sketches but that just leads to fewer posts so! we will fix this

got these new fancy sketch markers so perhaps expect some dope traditional art action ??

** p.s that last poll was TIGHT. as much as bottom!vi would've fucked, korrasami won in the end!! can't wait to show >:)




Honestly messy sketches to me are just as fun as finished pieces! Also so happy youre doing more stuff with these two!