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Hi, all. Back from out of town!

I had a ton of time to kill at the airport for a connecting flight yesterday and ended up spending a majority if it finally looking through all of the various photos I took last month. Scattered in there where a few sketches I did at a couple of shows so thought I'd share a few of them here for you.

They were all drawn pretty fast in-between chatting and selling stuff at my table so, y'know, not my best work, but maybe not without their charms. Other than for kids (which a couple of these here were for), I'm very reluctant drawing at shows for a lot of reasons--biggest reason being that I never feel like the sketches come out very creative or well drawn--but happy I was able to get over that to still doodle a few characters for folks. Hopefully they like what they got.

I also remember there being a lot more, especially a Cleo I actually really liked, but I must have not taken photos of everything. So if you're here, and don't see your sketch, that's the reason why.




The Death is super cute 😍

Robert Jewell

Love them! Do you ever do any requests?

Mike Maihack

Thanks! This patreon is actually the ONLY place I take requests! :) Although I will say I treat them more as suggestions and may or may not get around to them depending on how fun/relaxing I think they might be.