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Thought a beach drawing might be a little fun and unusal use of this prompt. Pleased as punch with the way that snowflake turned out. Watercolored it at the very end like the incautious planner I am so easily could have mucked up the whole piece with the slightest kitty jump into my lap (which has been happening a lot lately).

Anyhoo, tried to take a detail photo of it.

I'm starting to learn that quite a few people on the socials have no idea I'm watercoloring these so may need to share a few more of these detail pics or have my wife come up and record me painting one of them. Nothing like testing the fates that you're gonna mess up a drawing then when someone is recording you working on one!

Speaking of which... I was just informed I have a little sketch card doodle of Supergirl up for Auction right now in support of Hero Initiative. Feel free to bid on it if you want. The card comes embedded with a NFC chip which shows a video of me drawing it and, as the fates would have it, completely messing up and inking her nose too high. Haha. Ah well. Still fun. And will likely go at a reasonably, low price for someone. :)




I like how Kara has a bat bangle on her wrist.

Kin Wong

I was guessing you'd do the Fortress of Solitude (or Mr. Freeze), but this is disarmingly cute with that snowflake in a beach scene. I now fully expect the Fire prompt to take place in a blizzard 😁