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Where one month of daily posts ends, another begins! My annual SuperBatober challenge starts tomorrow. Well technically, because I painted this intro piece, it guess it starts today. But mostly it starts TOMORROW!

I'll once again be using these official #inktober2023 prompts:

I like using these because they're not specific to any one genre, which is the whole idea; to help strengthen experimenting and creativity. And boy, am I going to need some creativity with a large batch of these... wish me luck!

For those on the socials, I'll be sharing pieces on twitter, Instagram, FB and BlueSky. You can follow the #SuperBatober tag if you wish to keep up (or play along!).

This Patreon will likely be the best and easiest place to follow though. I'll be posting a full day in advance just like past years as well as sharing process pics and anything else that I think might be fun during the challenge. Plus my usual commentary when I have time. I'll start a collection tab at the top of the home page too for easy navigation.

X-Tember kinda messed up my mental calendar a bit, so usually this intro piece would have gone up yesterday and prompt #1 today, but I feel like there's been such an excess of posting here lately that I think I'll share #1 tomorrow morning, #2 tomorrow night, #3 Oct 2nd and then we'll be on a pretty consistent schedule from there.

FULL DISCLOSURE! I am going to be traveling fourteen days in October! That's almost half the month! So SuperBatober is going be more of a challenge than usual for me this year. I'll almost certainly have to do a bunch of these on the road. So if I bumble that daily schedule a bit, that's why. I'm not gonna sacrifice my mental health over these. Will just have to make sure I keep things simple enough to keep up. We'll see how well I fare in that respect.

Anyhoo! There's typically some drop off in subs at the start of each month, but I hope a lot of you stick around for the festivities! Should hopefully be a fun month. :)



Tim Price

It's always a joy to see what you do in Super-Batober!

Matthieu Munoz

I wonder if a certain Misfit will be in Batober since i see no 9 is Bounce ...