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OK! Here we go! The first of many X-Girls I'l be posting all month long.

I decided to start all the way at the beginning, with this digital commission of Storm, Rogue, Psylocke and Dazzler. For a drawing that's over a decade old, I guess it's not that bad? But whoosh. It's still tough to share it with you. Lots of rubber joints and bubblegum mouths.

I think it's important to show not only how my style evolved over the years though, but also the looks the patron for these started requesting for the characters. You'll be seeing a lot more of these four ladies in the weeks to come and the final interpretations of them ended up being really fun.

Speaking of, this gig started because said patron saw this even earlier drawing of Storm I posted to the socials a full year prior, so thought I'd share that here as well.

Also, thanks to everyone who voted in my schedule poll! The majority seemed to like the idea of posting older drawings in batches and newer ones daily so that's what I'm going to do. I think it makes a nice compromise too. So here's what the schedule will sorta look like.

  • 1st week: Batch posts showing drawings from 2012-2014 every couple of days or so. 
  • 2nd week: Batch posts showing drawings from 2015-2018 (and maybe something new if I'm able to).
  • 3rd and 4th weeks: Daily posts of all the ones I drew from 2020-2022, most of which I've never shared before. I should be able to share a bit of extra process pics for some of these ones too.

And then we'll roll right into SuperBatober! Which will be an interesting transition. Haha.



Jason Smith

I miss OG Psylocke so much. They'll never let Betsy be that cool and badass ever again.

Shane Simek

My favorite version of Psylocke, Lovely!