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UPDATE: So I found out the library panel is a registered event. Still free, but you have to go here to register for it (the signing is open to the public and you can preorder books in advance at that link as well).

Apologies that I missed that info before!


Hi, all! Here's my schedule for Comic Con this week. I'm only going to be there for two days--two panels and two signings. Spidey books will be available to purchase at both signings. Panel conversations should be fun. Hope to see some of you there!

Also, a heads up that I'll be removing all of the newly added prints from my online store tomorrow (mon) morning. Haven't decided yet if I'm going to put them back up or save what I have for my next tabling show. Depends on how I feel after San Diego I suppose. Most likely I'll put most of them back up though.

Hope everyone's weekend is going great! Escaped to the beach with some friends from out of town yesterday and it was wonderful. I desperately needed a day off and the edge of the world made the perfect spot for that. :)



Erik Lind

Have fun at the Con!

Wendi Hamilton

In the tiny fine print at the bottom it does say "Comic-Con badge-holders with valid single same-day or four-day badges are welcome to attend and are not required to register." So no need to prereg if you have a badge! I love that you can pre-order the books for this, that makes it so easy!