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Hi all! Back from vacation! Great to relax, but simultaneously happy to be back home for a short while before heading out to San Diego next week (more details on that later).

This was initially a going to be another little pinup doodle before pretty much immediately turning into a little Storm doodle instead. Probably due to all the actual storms we've been having in here in Florida lately. Anyhoo, she's always fun to draw. I'm happy with the way that little cloud turned out.


I came back to multiple folks telling me to join Threads and/or Bluesky. I had to look up Threads! Funny what you miss being away for a week. Looks like it's only mobile too? Which tends to be the least convenient of social networks for me since I'm rarely on my phone. Bluesky I need an invite I guess.

TBH, I'm not eager to join a new social place despite all the drama surrounding the fall of twitter. To me, twitter's still the simplest place to post art with the most eyes on it. But I'm open to going where the masses go. So let me know where else you'd like to see me. Regardless, this patreon is still the best place to follow my work. All my latest art/news/comics/merch is almost always on here before anywhere else, if anywhere else at all. Plus blog posts like this one!

Speaking of, keep an eye out on your inboxes and this feed over the next couple of weeks! I'm going to be implementing some tier changes, try to get new prints up in my shop later today or tomorrow, post my very short SDCC schedule (once I have it), possibly some sketch opportunities, and more than likely more drawings. I'll be working to fit all that in while moving onto final artwork for my third and final Spidey book.

Wooo summer! :)



Tim Price

That cloud! ❤

David Bird

I am still on Twitter, too, but I fear Musk can only throw it against the wall so many times before he breaks it.

Mike Maihack

Same. I honestly find the drama so enticing though. Way too curious not to be on there when the final tipping point happens.