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Hi all!

Something I'm going to try to do more of this year are quick, simple warm-up (or wind-down) sketches. Nothing too refined and nothing I should really spend more than an hour on. Will probably be mostly sort of figure/fashion doodles like above. This one was based on a hoodie I saw on Google images.

I did a lot of these quick doodles a couple of years ago and saw a significant improvement in how I approached my art. I have a tendency to get increasingly meticulous and I can see that happening again in my more recent stuff. I want to get back to loosening up my line work again and maybe this'll help. Really makes me think about clothing more too.

Anyhoo, I'll post 'em as I draw 'em! But if you'd rather me hold off and batch a bunch together, let me know. Some will likely be even sketchier than this one.

Have a great weekend!




I love seeing these. I own a couple of those drawings. They’re great.


MJ. FACE it tiger we got a dog