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Remember 2020? That was a crazy year, right? And a tough one for a lot of folks. I wanted to end the year acknowledging that but also add some comfort and also call back to a particular Batman: the Animated Series episode.

It's a Wonderful Life is such a downright human movie that it only makes sense (at least to me) that it would be one of Kara's favorites. She loves humanity! The good, the down, the in-between. Frank Capra's Christmas classic is such a...erm, wonderful representation of all of that.

Besides that, Kara just learned to knit earlier that same year...

...so her making custom sweaters for her and Babs is not only on point, but I feel a little extra sweet.

Two years later, I don't know if things have gotten a whole lot better for Batgirl, Supergirl, or real life folks. But I do know life is what we decide it to be. Regardless of what gets thrown at us, what we focus on and how we treat others determines how wonderful it can be. Kara lost an entire planet. All her friends and most of her family. That's the kinda stuff villains are usually bred from. And yet her main drive is constantly trying to make life better for everyone around her, on a completely foreign world no less. Gosh I love her so much.

Here's a new wallpaper for today. :)



Tony Helms

Awesome comics but am I on the wrong subscription? Not seeing the things you post on Twitter or Instagram.

Tim Price

Streaky spend so much time sleeping in these strips, I'm starting to think his name is ironic. :-D

Mike Maihack

Thanks, Tony! Was there something specific you were looking for? Everything (well, most everything) I post to socials is past or older artwork. All new art is posted here on Patreon weeks or months before everywhere else. These days, a lot of the art I share on here isn't even posted to the socials at all. So if you dig in, you might find some stuff. :) Mostly I post to twitter/instagram just so I don't disappear completely on those platforms (dumb algorithms). Maybe it brings a few folks here as well. But I'm open to posting past artwork on Patreon if there's a want for it. I just worry about spamming your feeds/inboxes with stuff. Starting next year, I want to start sharing more graphic novel stuff too, and I need the paywall for that. It's the main reason I started this platform to begin with. So I plan on changing the tiers a bit to make it easier for subscribers.

Mike Maihack

Hah! You're right! I need to be more conscience of that. Streaky IS a cat tho. Sleeping 90% of the day is like their motto. :)