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I don't often do this because it's a terrible use of my time, but the drawing of She-Hulk I originally drew for this post always kinda bugged me. I think I rushed to get it done in time for Monday and didn't take the proper time to make sure her gamma-radiated body was as muscularly accurate as a gamma-radiated body should be.

So, unbelievably having caught up on some things today, I spent about thirty minutes making some very subtle changes to this and I feel it's a bit better now. Not perfect, but better, and enough so that I felt like I should share those changes with y'all here (and being Friday, not Monday, changed that word bubble while I was at it). I left the original uploaded above if you wanted to compare.

And that's enough of that. Back to figuring out how to write Shulky into the next Spidey book. Have a great weekend, all!



Hi, friends!

I know, I know...I've drawn She-Hulk in the past for Monday. I just really like drawing Jen. What did everyone think of the first episode of the new series?

FYI: I think I'm going to put a pause on these Happy Monday posts for a little while so I can focus on getting some watercolor sketches completed for folks. I have quite a bit in my queue and I'll post them here as I finish each one.

Also I'm told there might be a little comic announcement in the coming weeks? So something else to possibly look forward to. :)

Have a great week, everyone!



David Bird

I like it. I swear Masany was channeling one of my nieces!

Tim Price

The first ep was just pure fun, and looking forward to more. And today's art is nice!

Mike Maihack

Thanks Tim! Looking at it again I think I might've drawn the arms a bit big and the legs too slender. Might tweak it. Or not. Got other stuff I should be working on. Haha.