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I meant to get this post out before the end of 2021 but I was out of town for the holidays and it was a bit of struggle to draw anything on my iPad. I'm so swamped throughout the year it was also important to my family (and me) that I was as present as possible. I usually try to take the last week of the year completely unplugged and that's exactly what I did! 

But now it's back to work and I wanted to make sure I let everyone here on this Patreon know how much your support has meant to me my first half of a year on it. I know you have multitudes of choices to spend your time and finances on and that a small part of it is spent on my art has me positively gushing.

2022 is looking to be an insanely creative and busy year for me. On top of full art (and edits) for my current 250+ page original graphic novel, I accepted yet another graphic novel gig this past month with a deadline before the one I'm currently working on! As I sit here typing that, I honestly don't know how I'm going to do it, but I'm committed to the challenge. The fun thing is that I think that it's a book a lot of folks will be excited to see from me.* And y'all are gonna benefit most from that as I'll be posting my designs and progress stuff almost exclusively here.

I'm also committed to still posting some other art from time to time. Speaking of, leave a comment below with some of the things you'd like to see this coming year. More fan art? Original art? Watercolors? Something I've yet to think of?

I love this little community we've created and hope it grows into more-than-a-little community. Hopefully by spreading the word and you letting me know how to make it better it can be just that. :)


*Curious what my new graphic novel project is? There's a not-very-subtle hint in my drawing above!



Benjamin Paczak

Always love seeing whatever you make, especially beloved Marvel and DC, but your original characters are cool too! Free to do whatever you want. (And a little scene like this with a setting looks great!)

Jared Michalski

Looking forward to more SuperBatober.