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The training we have for this week that I have shared with you was about the Drag & Drop Shapes. If you have not seen it yet, you can view it right here on YouTube.

Now that the training has been released, I am looking for your feedback to make this even better, just for you, our incredible Patreon Members.

So, what Feature can I add for you? Did you find an issue you want me to fix? Or is there a particular area you would like me to focus on?

Please comment your ideas and feedback to any  of these below and I will do my best to not only create an updated workbook but release a private training video next Monday, right here on Patreon.

I am looking forward to hearing from you and thanks so much for your support.



Aravind Krishnakumar

Randy thank you for making this. What I would like to add is 1. When the employee has multiple job schedule could that be shown in the same column ? Increase the row width? What or how could it be done?

Excel For Freelancers

HI Aravind, thanks for your comment. With multiple jobs in a single day you could cut the width of the jobs, so for example if there are 3 jobs in a single day then the width of the shape would be the width of the column divided by 3. I hope this helps and thanks so much.

Aravind Krishnakumar

What if the job is completed Is it possible just to delete the shape and the database is updated? Is it ok to add that?

Excel For Freelancers

Hi Aravind, Thanks for your comment. Shapes are deleted each time the schedule is refreshed. If the job is completed and you don't want to show any shapes for completed jobs you can use an If/Then statement before the sample shape is duplicated to only create those shapes for Active jobs. I hope this helps and thanks so much.