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Hey everyone,

I wanted to write an update to you all about the flow of GN's work right now and some behind-the-scenes stuff.

Some of you might remember that, a few months ago, we took a couple weeks off from heavy publishing and pared-down to about 1-2 videos per week. We were still working in that time, but I mentioned in the public videos and (in more detail) the Patreon posts that we were working on advancing some internal processes. Basically, it's the adage of "work on the business" instead of "working in the business." Now, many months later, we're really starting to see the pay-off in terms of workflow, content production, and quality.

First of all, the video quality is higher than it's ever been. Some of them are more standard, like the Newegg video, but the Lancool III review is the direction we want to go with a lot of product reviews. Not just the active on-camera segments, but the video quality and more physical demonstration of physical elements of the product. In other words, we're taking the biggest piece of criticism we've had from viewers for  along time -- "show, don't tell" -- and finally starting to learn how to integrate that into content. GN started as a written publication and turned into a video one, so learning to do storytelling visually and not just verbally was a big skill shift for everyone here. I think we're finally getting there with the Artesian video and the  Lancool review.

I was recently telling the team about how I used to have a very wrong viewpoint about GN. About a decade ago, as a very, very small creator, I had a lot of defense mechanisms because it's just tough to see criticism when you're a nobody. You're trying your hardest and people don't understand that there's no team, there's no money, there's no time because you have other jobs -- so it's hard to see criticism at that scale, very nearly qualifying as a 'hobby,' because there's just not much you can do about it even if it's a valid request or demand. Now, we're in a different position and really value it. One of those wrong viewpoints I had was this: When I saw someone who complained that the content was bland or dull or too dense, my defense was to internalize the message that "well, GN just isn't for them, then" or "they're just not good enough for GN." That's obviously the wrong mentality, but it's the one that protects you from quitting when there's nothing stopping you from quitting (no staff, no costs, no money, no established company).

We've long moved on from that viewpoint. I do still think there are certain audiences we don't want; for example, we won't stoop to stupid gimmicks to try and get views, because that's not the view we want. We can add value in other ways, and I've learned through successful video journalists on YouTube that you can add quality without adding gimmicks that are clearly designed to appeal to children or the lowest common denominator.

But most importantly, what I've learned is that everybody who wants to learn or who wants to try GN -- even if they don't "get it" initially -- is someone we should be trying to extend an olive branch to in order to help them get into an awesome community and scene that they're clearly interested in at the periphery. We all start somewhere, so gatekeeping like "well, they're just not good enough for this" isn't a helpful mentality. It's the same as when people gatekeep on reddit or forums about someone's "bad" build list. If someone is excited about a new hobby or interest, our job should be to ignite that interest and really get them where they want to be - not turn and say, "sorry, you have to go back and learn the basics from someone else." Someone who's new and doesn't get it, but is trying to get it, is clearly someone who CAN be part of the audience and the PC DIY scene -- it's just a matter of getting through in a clear way.

Long story short, that's the paradigm shift I had about a year ago, and we've been trying to make our content easier to learn from and easier to benefit from without a newcomer viewer having to put in a ton of legwork to research. Small stuff, like being better about using the full word instead of the acronym at least once in a video, has gone a long way.

For a long time, I was worried that, at a certain size, you have to resort to being a clown to get views -- you see this on mainstream TV networks all the time -- but we've seen just the opposite. It's much harder to tell the story in a compelling way without those gimmicks, but it's also much more rewarding.

I'm really excited about the content we've made lately. Mainstays remain, like that simple one-off Newegg piece or the case reviews, but adding stuff like the Artesian investigation was a big move towards what I've done occasionally over the years, but didn't have the skillset to do well or frequently. The team has really grown with this also and puts in a ton of legwork internally to structure things and collect data or good camera shots.

That's the Patreon-only update for you on some of what we've been musing about at GN!

Thanks everyone for supporting us,

- Steve



"Thanks, Steve." "Back to you, Steve."

Jim Hooke

So well put! I'm not a gamer as such. The last one I bought was for an Amiga! Lol. Even so, I appreciate the effort and trustworthiness, and the passion you put into all you do and hence jumped onto Patreon when I was able to support in a little way. Thanks to everyone!

sub ari

It's really nice to hear! YouTube is an interesting place: you've got "mainstream" channels that have quite a few more digits of viewers, but the pie is so large that even channels like GN get enough views to be able to run full time, as a company. I fully appreciate the effort of trying not to become the gatekeeper, basically all nice communities I've seen are open and welcome for newcomers - no matter how sophisticated the theme is. It's tough to guide through newcomers and I fully appreciate the effort. Somehow I ended up writing those long comments that I personally dislike, but in essence: thanks!


I’ve been watching you for a while and actually found you through JayzTwoCents. I have bought a number of your products and must say that it is your personality and your honesty that has drawn me to your channel. Thank you for all the great work you do.


I’ve never thought you content was anything but excellent. Love when you are going and happy to be along for the ride.


You guys are killing it. Thanks for the update. The content has been getting better and better year over year. I would like to point out that some of your videos really do come in handy, even years later... I was looking for a completely open air "case" for my HTPC to pair with a Noctua NH-P1 (the massive passive heatsink). Your review of the Thermaltake P3 really helped make the decision easy. Also, the review of the Noctua NH-P1 made me aware such a cooling solution existed and helped me understand it's limiitations. For the record, it works perfectly with the i7 6700k at stock clocks, barely ever hits 60 degrees. Overclocked to 4.6 Ghz with some voltage... Yea, that is too much and the temps climb to 80 degrees and then crash, but I don't really need to overlcock the HTPC. The NH-D15 I had on it already would have probably been close to just as quiet, but it is a conversation piece and looks cool, so win win. :)


Steve and team, keep up the great work. It's been clear since the first article I read and video I watched many years ago that you all are passionate about providing a third-party perspective that focuses on the baseline facts, instead of playing to the marketing of complex products. I have introduced the channel to many novices over the years, as I find your content style to be perfect for providing context, explanation, and detail behind aspects of the PC building ecosystem that others ignore or gloss over. Most, if not all, of these folks still watch videos even after their immediate need was resolved due to the factual approach, with entertainment mixed in, but never so much to dilute the value of the video Looking forward to seeing how you all handle the challenge of the fall product launch avalanche that is right around the corner!


Thanks, Steve. Whatever you do, I'll enjoy gn content. I'm open minded to any changes.


Hello Steve, You will always have crybabies on public forums. The Internet and social networks is a demonstration of a Poisson distribution in terms of feedback from commenters. My two cents: 1. The vast majority of reactions to your videos are civil, reasonable and in good English. This is more the exception than the rule on YouTube where anything goes on stupid videos threads. This means that your contents is of high quality and attracts people of high quality. 2. I'm regularly (several times a week) watching the videos from my favorite channels: Gamers Nexus, Hardware Unboxed, Dawid Does Tech Stuff, LTT for computing/desktop news, Scott Manley and Cool Words for space/astronomy news, TIK for history, Veritasium for science, etc. All these channels have a common point: the editorial contents is of high quality and so much better than what you find on the Discovery or the History channel which by the way I call the Very Disco and Hysteria channels. 3. IMHO, you are part of a top class of YouTubers which is significantly above the average. All of you guys should think about creating your own high level online digital distribution, escape the YouTube shackles and no longer being drown in cats, dogs and babies videos. It might not be the right time because you'll need a massive financial foundation to do so, but this might be possible in the future and you should talk about it with the other excellent news/documentary channels. Anyway such a burgeoning union would give you more power to negotiate with the stupid stuff that YouTube does. 4. I cut the cordon with Comcast TV many years ago. When they asked me why I told them: "because all your channels are crap". 5. IMHO, you and others have transformed what a YouTuber channel can be and this evolution, like you're describing, is continuing. Thank you so much for that! Kudos and keep on doing a great job.


I went with the same case, and when I saw GN's review I knew it was good


You guys are in no small part what made me fall in love with PCs all over again. I had stopped playing games mostly, and just didn't care. Then I started watching you guys, Jay, and LTT. I started plunging my extra spending money into my battle station. I'll always keep my patreon sub to you guys because I believe in you guys. Watching you guys grow the last couple years has been awesome. Hopefully we get some #RIPJAY vids with these next round of releases.


I noticed a change in line with your use of the full names instead of only acronyms. I used to think how it'd be difficult to send my young brother-in-law to your content when it came to in-depth reporting. I haven't thought that for a while now and couldn't point to what changed.


Funny enough, the last game I bought was also for an Amiga, though I bought it less than a month ago! Nice to see GN followers from all sorts of backgrounds ^^


Really loving how GN's been developing. Been following for a couple years now and I've been very pleased to see GN keeping quality and morals first, so I'm happy to support the team through Patreon and buying occasional merch. The channel's definitely become more "lively" and I'm glad to see such an enthusiastic team that loves what they do. Keep up the great work all!


consistently GN has provided really in-depth analysis. Making really technical stuff more consumable by beginners is important. keep on fighting!

Richard Williams

Waa trying to think of something nice to say to this post even though I didn't have anything to add really (as I agree with more or less everything that Steve said), so thank you as this comment couldn't have put it better... 😂

IX Twig XI

Part of learning and growing is understanding the failures and missteps. It may take awhile to get there but if you learn from those things then they are no longer "failures and missteps". They have become successes. I have been watching the channel now sense 2018 and have built 5 PCs in various forms. All with the information on the GN YouTube channel(plus a few others). Thank you for the time and effort the team puts into this and also you're welcome.


Thank you for not stooping to titling videos "I can't believe this happened!" with shocked-face thumbnails. Linus and Jay both do that and I hate it so much


I knew absolutely nothing about PCs before I built my first one almost 2 years ago. Now I find it so fascinating, and I've been consuming as much as I can to feed that desire. GN has been a huge part of that journey, and I think a lot of what you're describing is the reason why.


I hadn't really been active in the PC building space for a decade when I stumbled across your channel. (The first video I saw was the one about Gigabyte's exploding PSUs - I think it had been shared by Kotaku or some other site.) Circumstances led me to need a new build, and I found your content super helpful in getting me back up to speed on everything, and I can say that I feel much more confident in my building capability than I did a decade ago. Then on top of that, you always espouse the kind of ethical high standard that I try to hold myself to, as well. I wanted to support that. I know you personally prefer people support you through the store, but I don't need much and want to show my support anyway. Supporting the effort you put into the channel and seeing it grow is reward enough.

Meghan Krajchi

The gatekeeping almost put me off GN. Back in day, when every tech YouTuber was still filming in their house, I was getting interested in PC building again. I would watch some of the more accessible content put out by Linus, Hardware Canucks, and NCIX Tech Tips. Then, I would put on a GN video, and basically walk away from it and go do the the dishes when Steve started spewing the acronyms and really technical stuff. He came across as a condescending asshat. I'm stubborn, so I kept (passively) watching (also, being a woman in a typically male-dominated space, I felt like I had something to prove). I recognized the amount of knowledge and expertise that went into GN content, and I appreciated Steve's dedication to providing data-based analyses of hardware. Finally, after months of listening, the lightbulb came on in my head. My perseverance had paid off, and I was finally Smart Enough (TM) to consume GN content! After the move from the house to the first office, I started to notice a change in the accessibility of content. By then, I was already self-taught enough to not need the helping hand, but I was happy to see the complex content become more accessible to more people. Testing methodology improved, as did video quality. Consumer advocacy became a hot topic. The shift was drastic and inspiring, as GN worked to draw more people into the PC enthusiast sphere. I felt inspired by the content GN was putting out. I don't buy into brands very easily, but supporting GN never feels bad. Keep putting out the phenomenal content, and stay true to your convictions!


Memory timings video when? I enjoy your content regardless, but we’ve gotten to the point where Buildzoid is starting to cover the topic because no one else is.


Hi Steve and Team, I've been watching for around 5 years and been a patreon and purchaser from the store multiple times to show support for the great content you make for our community. I'm glad you're satisfied and motivated with the recent changes, on the point of gimmicks, I think it's fair that most of us who don't need them to help us find you any more feel they're not always the best use of air time, but I will say too, making adjustments and additions to grow the audience I would hope the majority would forgive and understand that if that were done now or in the future, it would be for the overall good, and 30,60,90 seconds extra of my time per video to promote what's happening/coming up, that I and others personally don't need, but does help reach a broader audience that may be interested, I would be ok with that time investment so if in the future you made moves like that, I would encourage the thought process to be, instead of "selling out", as simply a marketing exercise - I don't really "like" marketing either - but it is a necessary component that virtually all businesses need and use. However you wish to proceed, I enjoy the content, I see value for 100s of thousands if not millions of people both the investigative journalism and the in-depth consumer advice, and I'm looking forward to seeing where GN is in another 5 years.

Max Eliaser

I've definitely noticed, keep it up!


💙🖤🤍 You are the best among us, keep up the good fight. Back to you, Steve.


I've definitely noticed the shift in the production style and it is markedly more approachable than it used to be without sacrificing the quality and detail of your delivery style. It's a great move :-)


Just don't dumb it down too much because people complain about it being "too dense". You're much more technical than others in the space - and that's appreciated. There's a balance to be struck there of course


So I'm new here and I admit I don't have a PC, never built a PC (I use a basic MacBook for work mostly) but have long been just personally interested in general tech and the PC market. I first stumbled upon your channel after watching your guest appearance on Digital Foundry, which may be a strange way to get here but I've watched your stuff since. While you are a deep-dive, more enthusiast kind of channel, I found your content engaging and overtime found myself having watched enough of it to actually learn what things are and how they function and operate. That's to say whatever your approach is, it's working and I'm glad to see it continue. Keep up the hard work.


The part about not stooping to doing gimmicks is exactly why I'm here. I can't stand when channels get big and then start playing the algorithm and everything else that involves, its like thinking that you're audience is too stupid to realize what your doing. Its just disrespectful. And was the main reason I stopped watching LTT. But of course the content you guys make is honestly just better too, its more useful, and i have a huge amount of respect for GN taking on big corps when they do shitty things to customers. And the recent video about the warranties, its just right, its exactly how you should treat your customers. So yeah keep being good people and you'll have my support :3.


Hi all, new Patreon member here but long time viewer. After watching the latest video about Linus and warranties I figured it was time to become a patreon member along with the purchases I have made thru the store.. Keep up the great work and thank you for great content.


I've always been impressed with you guys' thoroughness and dedication to high quality, as opposed to high entertainment, content. I'm happy to support you through some of the more moneyed competition you are obviously facing.


Thank you, Steve and GN staff for the recent video covering LTT. As a journalist, I know fairness can be a tough call, especially when you're covering something or someone close to you. I was highly disappointed in Linus. Unsubbed his channel and left Floatplane (not before leaving an email outlining my decision to cancel, which was met with sympathy by the staff running the store, who assured me they'd pass along the feedback to Linus). And the subsequent "Trust Me Bro" shirt launch shocked me. Even with the warranty fixes, his whole attitude was cavalier and flippant and rubbed me as very disrespectful and detached from empathy. Not someone I want to support. Happy to back GN to do more unbiased reporting and make the tough calls. Purchased a medium and large mod mat with one autographed and the new t-shirt run. Keep doing what you're doing uncompromisingly (please, we need it!)


Upvoted. I agree with you totally! The arrogance and entitlement of some of these people/companies is off the scale. It isn't right and I love that Steve calls out. I hope he continues doing this going forward.

Ryan N

Steve and everyone else at the company, there was a post recently on Glassdoor about this platform and supposedly the entire security team has quit or been fired. The employees are saying the management allows the monetization of 'CP' and other abuse of minors. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR5sH51J/


you expect us to click a tiktok link for a "serious anlysis" of patreon or any other site???

albert rivas

Hey Steve, As someone working as an engineer, I very much enjoy the technical prowess you and your team bring for the content you create. I also very much appreciate the ethics and considerations you guys take into account when it comes to interacting with outside entities and even your own staff with how well everyone gets along with each other and enjoy what they do which was why even though I never cared to subscribe to anyone’s patreon before, I’m glad you guys were the first for me to change that. Thank you very much for what you contribute and keep doing your thing.