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Hi all,

We just bought a very expensive scanner with a NIST-traceable certificate and third-party lab validation for imaging pressure paper to create images that gauge exactly the PSI at a given spot on a heatsink. This will also make it easy for us to create heightmaps and provide an idea for surface flatness, but in actuality, it's technically a measurement only of pressure to a given area. This doesn't necessarily mean a surface is unflat if there's low pressure -- it could just be bad retention kit design, which is something we haven't been able to test before. This new tool will allow us to do that. We're very excited about it. It basically cost an entire month+ of Patreon support to buy, so thank you for helping fund the purchase. I'm still not personally taking much profit from the business (would still make more working my job from before GN!), but I really enjoy investing every dollar back into testing equipment, because it's just what I love working with. The dream is to build a 'real' validation lab, except in a way which is producing public data for reviews. To my knowledge, no one has really done it to quite that extent in technical media before, as most leverage their tools for private test contracts instead. We're trying to figure out how to make it work for public testing, and so far, it seems to be working with GN store + Patreon.

Anyway, the scanner has been through early testing and seems to be producing good data. We hope to apply it to GPU cooler analysis for this review cycle. It will also become a standard part of the CPU cooler test suite.


BTS: $8K Pressure Paper Scanner for 3D Imaging of Coldplates

Patreon-only (for now, at least) behind-the-scenes video talking about pressure paper scanning. We'll be deploying this, hopefully, in time for RTX 3000 stuff. The scanner has a NIST traceable certificate and has been calibrated and validated by a third-party lab, which is what a lot of the cost was. We can produce very accurate 3D scans and models to interpret the pressure application.



Dang that sounds awesome. Cool tool!


Good to see the quality of your content ever-increasing as always Steve. Hoping you get some time off before the big upcoming round of launches; going to be a busy few months for you guys!

Brooks Andersen

Whoa, this is awesome! May be able to get a faster ROI by offering surface analysis service to other companies. haha. Sounds like you'll be one of the few in the world with this particular tech. :)




What is the expensive software you mentioned? Is it to use the equipment itself or to manipulate the output data?


This is exactly why I’m a patron.


Great work!


Man, this is not what I was expecting and that's fantastic!


Know what CADs it outputs to? Is he just gonna throw it up in Blender? Haha.


I think I heard a collective gasp of "s*hit, now we've got to buy one of those too" from all the hardware manufecturers. =) Seriously, though, it's a very cool piece of equipment and content for the reviews, congrats!


Awesome news! Out of curiosity, how often would you have to send it back in for recalibration? Is temperature/humidity variation any concern? (I ask this fully open-ended, as I have no experience with such equipment, but I do have experience with a CMM/Optiv)


Exelent, i remember the vidio and how excited you was wth how much info these rough inprint was giving you on how well the cooler performed or not in a lot of them cases, glad to see you have somthing that is gonna feedback real data , look forward to seeing it in use 👍👍


Do you want a TC control and hold - cabinet to place a PC inside to log temps for both heating and cooling? I had two for component Q/A, not for testing, checking for an upstream company's self-certification. Heating is easy and overall operation is simplistic. Refrigeration is done by evaporation/compressed gas or liquefied gas. Evap uses a pair of compressors to cascade, a cascading refer will pull a fast drop on a chill cycle. You don't want to wait for hours to pull an item back to room temp! And you can take it as cold as you want to go. The containment needs to have a pluggable porthole or two, for the instrument cables, this you put cables through, then shove a cork in the porthole to trap the cable. Rentals are a way to go for a first time, if the data isn't really useful the rental can be returned. Mobilization (shipping) is probably ~$500. Used, mostly useful boxes, start around $5k. Some older ones may have a chart recorder installed, but if you can use a K-type thermocouple you probably want a multi-channel logger like a 'Precision Handheld K-Type Data Logger', a two-channel version is about $300. There are hundreds of really junky data-loggers, be careful.


That's awesome.


Wow!!!- That's almost completely not understandable to me...


That button caused msg to post I see... So this cell phone sucks for this sure indeed... Stick thanks to Steve and GN for a FANTASTIC SUPPORT JOB GETTING MERCHANDISE HERE DESPITE INITIAL INFORMATION BEING INCORRECT. VERY WELL DONE GN INDEED!!!! When I've more timeI'll hit discord here-("here" ice only glanced at about 3 times before thus comment). Ok- Publicinfo and ACCURATE REPORTING IS FUNDAMENTAL TO THE WAY OUR COUNTRY WORKS BEST! AND CRUCIAL TO CONSUMERS TO GET WHAT WE ARE EXPECTING WITH OR MONEY. That fact stated, continue running everything "ship-shape" Steve! And Thanks again, plus hello to people here. (Yes cooling I find interesting but more research if I've time would be necessary to comment further upon the "Sissy" comment- very interesting) Ok- God Speed everyone.


I’m so happy to support you and your team! Keep up the absolute awesome work!


Does the certificate advise whether the device requires re-calibration during its lifecycle? And is the certificate - the actual calibration certificate?