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Hey everyone, I just wanted to let everyone know I'm slowly working thru everything from January and February. I just lost my grandfather, who was basically my dad, and it's just been really hard for me to do much of.. anything. I just wanted to update everyone and let you all know I haven't disappeared, I'm just having an extremely rough time and I want you all to contact your parents or siblings or loved ones and let them know you appreciate and love them. You can never do it too much and you don't want it to be too late. I loved my grampa more than anyone and I feel like my heart is broken and will never be repaired.
Thank you all for understanding and being patient with me. My grampa was proud of my art and how far I've come, and I owe it to him to keep going.



Take your time and rest. Loss is never easy to deal with but it is important to deal with it. Take as much time as you need and when you are ready we, your fans, will be there for you.


Take your time, losing a loved one is always hard


Please take all the time you need. Real life takes precedence, and personal loss like that can never be understated. Please take of yourself, I'll be happy to wait until you're ready.