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Hi everyone! It's that time again, drop your requests for this month below and I'll pick 3-5 from them! As always, I'll have nudie & lingerie/outfit/swimsuit edits !

Good luck everyone💗

Basic rules:  

👌  Fanart & OC's are a-ok  
👌  Photo refs/links are fine  
👌  Pose/outfit references are fine   
👌  Multiple requests are fine (but I will only pick one)
👌  Furries/Anthro/Monsters are fine
👌  Specific fetish requests are fine (no judgement, just drop it in!)
👌  Futa is fine
👌  Past pinup candidates are fine (as long as they didn't win, be fair)

✋  No real people/celebrities
✋  No couple/groups
✋  No male characters (not even femboys, sorry)
✋  No guilty tripping me into drawing for you please
✋  No text-only descriptions for OC's

Everyone please be nice to each other, and feel free to 💗 other's requests, I'm more inclined when I know others want to see it, too!



Vaggie from Hazbin Hotel

Amy Lynch

Susie from Dead by Daylight?


Karen from Pokemon - https://www.serebii.net/pokemonmasters/syncpairs/karen.png


Judy Alvarez


Gonna try with my Sarah! https://imgur.com/a/81HBn3l


Love to see you draw Cattleya (Queen's Blade). Her lactating would be awesome but not mandatory thank you and keep up the great work.


My Kingdom Hearts OC Cara: https://imgur.com/a/I5DreYF


Boa Marigold drawn sexier in your artstyle would be really great https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/a/a0/Boa_Marigold.png/revision/latest?cb=20210307120059&path-prefix=protagonist (older version reference) https://img.favpng.com/1/7/2/kuja-pirates-one-piece-deviantart-png-favpng-GqB6qAiY5VBs2bs7DsGazqQdr.jpg (young version reference) Like, her adult form's clothes, but made in your usual sexy style would be wonderful to see. (tall, beautiful, muscled amazon)


Ikra from Samurai Jack! She's such a cool lady. In her usual black dress please if possible, rather than lingerie. https://64.media.tumblr.com/9504b19aed3fe101e072b71d67ac378d/tumblr_inline_ojhjs9BxXi1udq84r_1280.png https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/samuraijack/images/a/a0/Char_13787.jpg/revision/latest/top-crop/width/360/height/450?cb=20121008010236 Somehow, Jack keeps falling for Aku (even Ashi is of Aku's essence haha). But in his defense, Aku makes for a great woman.


Dangerous Beast Mashu from Fate Grand order https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fategrandorder/images/f/f6/DangerousBeast.png/revision/latest?cb=20170624151022


Nevan from Devil May Cry please. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/mcdxGhfcubc/maxresdefault.jpg https://devilmaycry.fandom.com/wiki/Nevan (her pictures are in the gallery at the bottom) Can I see her reclining on her side like the odalisque - https://64.media.tumblr.com/7030b62ed95abd02d77aaf930ec6cc9f/679f904dbb76d6b0-3c/s1280x1920/9fbf7893115df5fd57318829020ba9bab3d824a6.jpg You can't go wrong with a lusty demon vampire. And her red hair and silver skin is a classic beauty.