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Hi everyone! It's that time again, drop your requests for this month below and I'll pick 3-5 from them! As always, I'll have nudie & lingerie/outfit/swimsuit edits !

Good luck everyone💗

Basic rules:  

👌  Fanart & OC's are a-ok  
👌  Photo refs/links are fine  
👌  Pose/outfit references are fine   
👌  Multiple requests are fine (but I will only pick one)
👌  Furries/Anthro/Monsters are fine
👌  Specific fetish requests are fine (no judgement, just drop it in!)
👌  Futa is fine
👌  Past pinup candidates are fine (as long as they didn't win, be fair)

✋  No real people/celebrities
✋  No couple/groups
✋  No male characters (not even femboys, sorry)
✋  No guilty tripping me into drawing for you please
✋  No text-only descriptions for OC's

Everyone please be nice to each other, and feel free to 💗 other's requests, I'm more inclined when I know others want to see it, too!


Amy Lynch

Always feel embarrassed about suggesting my own OCs but how about my shapeshifting alien girl Cathy? https://imgur.com/a/mTWmLHz


Would love to see your take on a Team Rainbow Rocket grunt from pokemon


I'll try again with my Nyxa! https://imgur.com/a/38nVv5W


Cute OCs 😍


I-No from Guilty Gear

Little Neuro

Willow from A Kind of Magic


Lillith SliverCrest( she's the Halfling with huge tits) https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fuysqi6ch51ynpk/AADPeSLVuRVYMgd2f7jQBVOKa?dl=0


Mariner from Star Trek Lower Decks.


mash kyrielight from Fate Grand Order https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fategrandorder/images/5/5c/S001_Costume2.webp/revision/latest?cb=20210131082422


Oh, multiple suggestions are fine? Okay, second and last suggestion. Wuya from Shaolin Showdown. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/xiaolinpedia/images/3/3e/HumanoidWuya.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/433?cb=20200411184643 https://i.pinimg.com/originals/04/b3/dc/04b3dcd45f3f84840f6066ff856b6b98.jpg


Perhaps you could make an new OC Based on these features: https://imgur.com/a/QIGzs5r


Maya from the simpsons