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Hey everyone ! So for this month instead of holding a poll I really wanna do a pinup of someone that I've been wanting to do for a while now;; And that's Cala Maria from Cuphead !

I'm going on vacation near the end of the month so I wanna get started as soon as possible to have everything finished in time so I hope you guys don't mind, and to make up for it I'll be making a post about my 300$ (maybe $400 too) goal being met so everyone ($1+) can submit an idea and we'll hold a poll later on about an extra pinup I'll do ! 



Sounds good to me! Looking forward to what you come up with. And hey - I hope you have a great vacation!


Awesome excited to find out. Hope your vacation goes well too


Not mad about that pick at all! XD Have a great vacation!


No worries, hun! Draw what you wanna draw, I'm sure it'll look great. And congrats on the goal being met!
