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Published on Apr 19, 2017



Wow they told me to shut my mouth

https://www.patreon.com/PastorDowell http://www.straitwaytruth.com/ http://www.blogtalkradio.com/straitway https://www.facebook.com/pastordowell https://twitter.com/Pastor_Dowell http://www.online-church.org/ If they take my YouTube page down, you can still hear the information I give at Patreon. Mailing Address Charles Dowell Jr. P.O. Box 32 Lafayette, Tennessee 37083 Now the Pastor Dowell "brand" can be 100% viewer supported.


James McClain

Video is only on YouTube??? But relative to your financial prognostication, we are agreed and are of an accord Pastor Dowell. April 29th is going to be interesting when the budget rubber hits the road in D.C. We will see what type of man Trump is as the government hits a shutdown wall on that date. Schumer has vowed not to pass a budget that tramples "snowflake" rights and the Republicans do not have the 60 vote majority needed to pass the budget without the Democrats. The question is who is going to swerve in this game of chicken. Especially considering the rhetoric with North Korea, Syria, Russia, and China. I am looking forward to seeing the Emperor's new clothes... Shalom