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Sky News host bursts out laughing at 'dimwitted lefties' from The View

Sky News host Rita Panahi couldn’t contain her laughter over “dimwitted lefties” on The View discussing the influx of illegal migrants in New York City. “But what is the Biden administration, which has overseen record numbers crossing that southern border illegally, millions every year, what are they going to do?” Ms Panahi said. “Well, this is their latest genius idea, no they’re not going to complete the wall, they’re not going to implement tough border protection policies, they’re going to try to keep the illegal migrants in Texas.” The LA Times reported the Biden administration was considering a plan to force illegal immigrants to remain in Texas while awaiting asylum screenings. “Genius, genius – why should Texans have to deal with this crisis, they aren’t the ones voting for sanctuary city mayors and governors,” Ms Panahi said.


Bro Abraham Walsh

Bless you Pastor everyone I know I tell them to vote no, then try and explain why some get it others will vote no because there secret racist hearts but it looks like it’s rigged towards the yes vote to fulfil the agenda Shalom


Typical us vs them, Trumptards trying to own the libs video. Identity politics bullshit.