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Published on Feb 13, 2017

Pastor Dowell a 10 year Army Veteran responds to the video and the interview.

A retired U.S. Marine who works as a private security contractor took to Facebook to warn of the dangers Americans still face in Iraq. Steven Gern's video, which was posted from Iraq and has been viewed more than 45 million times, came just a few days after President Trump's executive order triggered massive protests at U.S. airports. Trump’s orders involved restricting access to the United States for refugees and some visa holders from Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen, said the aides and experts, who asked not to be identified. The restrictions on refugees are likely to include a multi-month ban on admissions from all countries until the State Department and the Department of Homeland Security can make the vetting process more rigorous.

Many Trump supporters decried former President Barack Obama’s decision to increase the number of Syrian refugees admitted to the United States over fears that those fleeing the country’s civil war would carry out attacks.

Many whiny liberals attacked our president but one brave marine gave them a perfect response!

Steven Gern, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran working in Iraq, discusses the reality of how Americans are treated there.

I work currently in Iraq, which is one of the countries that’s on the list,” begins Gern. “Obviously, in the United States, a lot is going on – and over here, this is a lot going on, as well, just a lot of things y’all don’t see.”

“The other morning, we were having a discussion on the executive order, and a lot of the Iraqis showed their displeasure in this executive order, and why they feel like they’ve been betrayed by the United States.”

So, I listened to what they had to say, and after they were done yelling and screaming about their opinion on things, I asked a simple question, and I got an answer to that simple question, and I got it without hesitation.” continues Gern. “My simple questions was, ‘As an American if I went out in town right now, would I be welcome?’”

“They answered me, and said, ‘Absolutely not, you would not be welcome.’ And I said, ‘Okay, what would happen if I went in town?’”


Marine SSG Ask a simple question Army Airborne SSG responds to the truth most Americans do not hear

Pastor Dowell a 10 year Army Veteran responds to the video and the interview. A retired U.S. Marine who works as a private security contractor took to Facebook to warn of the dangers Americans still face in Iraq.


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