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Originally Published July 3, 2016   http://www.kwtx.com/content/news/Kill...
Marvin Louis Guy is facing the death plenty for defending and protecting his home from the local police who unlawfully entered into his house.


Black Man Kills Police Officer for Unlawful Entry

http://www.kwtx.com/content/news/Killeen-New-trial-date-set-for-man-accused-of-killing-police-officer-364676711.html Marvin Louis Guy is facing the death plenty for defending and protecting his home from the local police who unlawfully entered into his house. The key to all of this is that the police officers did not identify themselves as officers.


LaMarcus Burns

This system is so jacked up!

Karl Shoen

Pastor, bless you, Sir! I remember this video. In December 2016 Marvin Guy was already behind bars for 3 years without a trial! They has appointed him several lawyers that he had fired for not being qualified or having the police interests more in mind than his (at least one of them was not even certified to handle murder cases!). Huge chunks of evidence in the case were put under gag order and it took some serious wisdom for Marvin to even get some of that to his own lawyer let alone to the public. <a href="http://thefreethoughtproject.com/leaked-documents-marvin-guy-killed-cop/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://thefreethoughtproject.com/leaked-documents-marvin-guy-killed-cop/</a> Bless you Pastor and Saints of The Most High! Stay encouraged! Chag Ha Matza!