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Ticks hate the smell of lemon, orange, cinnamon, lavender, peppermint, and rose geranium,cedarwood thyme,so they'll avoid latching on to anything that smells of those items. Any of these or a combination can be used in DIY sprays or added to almond oil and rubbed on exposed.

1 oz Any carrier oil such as Witch Hazel, almond oil or lotion.

7 drops Geranium.

4 drops Peppermint.

4 drops Thyme.

4 drops Cedarwood or Lavender.

Eucalyptus Oil. Not only is eucalyptus oil a tick killer, but it also makes for an effective repellent as well, and it's naturally safe and effective on the body. Mix with carrier oil. NOTE: Eucalyptus is toxic for dogs and cats.

Use caution when using any essential oil around pets.

Pets, A homemade spray solution of one part vinegar and one part water helps keep ticks and fleas away from your pets. Pour the solution in a spray bottle and spray directly onto your pets, but be careful not to get it in their eyes



House of Beard

Thank you for the info Shep. Bless you.