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I’m willing to take my NATURAL COVID IMMUNITY case to the US Supreme Court

I was hoping common sense would prevail, and it is regrettable that I am here. But faced with not being able to work in some of my facilities, not being able to go to some of my favorite restaurants…and now possibly needing to move to another State…here I am… #covid #coronavirus #immunity


Tommy Turner

Testimonies like this make it obvious that this has nothing to do with health.

Verlish Byrd

No one wants to talk about the fact that some may be immune to the Sars cov-2 whether they have had the disease or not period. Because some of us have worked and or work with high risk Sars cov-2 and it's variants even now and has never contracted the disease. I agree with the doctor on that particular subject as well (natural immunity)

David Russell

control and world wide communism i feel they want so bad with depopulation