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CDC Reveals Hospitals Counted Heart Attacks as COVID-19 Deaths

The latest numbers from the CDC reveal hospitals have been counting patients who died from serious preexisting conditions as COVID-19 deaths. One America’s Pearson Sharp has more, as the CDC counts over 51-thousand patients who actually died from heart attacks, as opposed to the coronavirus. Visit us at: Tired of censorship from other social media platforms? Join us on Free Talk Free Talk is OANs new social platform. Users can post, chat and connect with other members. It allows Free Speech at home, on the go and anywhere in the world, No SHADOWBANNING! https://freetalk.app Website: https://www.oann.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OneAmericaNewsNetwork Twitter: https://twitter.com/OANN Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/one_america_news_ KlowdTV: Watch OAN Live on KlowdTV subscription prices start at $4.99 /mo https://klowdtv.com


Pastor Dowell

The sad part about this is the president Biden is grandstanding and acting like all of these deaths are from Covid and they are simply not! The lies continue to mount and the news media keeps pushing the false agenda.

Daniel Muir

Not surprising from this wicked country! Anything for a dollar that’s rapidly proving to be worthless!