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Collins N. Jones

(Sister Hope) Halleluyah. Absolutely 👌. Blessings to you Pastor.

Jamesetta Gonzalez

Good morning, Pastor Dowell, I am 47 years old. I have not been to churching my memory over 16 years, when my oldest was three and now 19 and he has a brother who is fifteen. The preacher just didn’t sit right with me, it was more of offering and how you dressed. The thing that hurts me the most now is that they believe in him but they don’t know the LORD as for myself. I was astrayed from the word of LORD makes feel unworthy and not a great parent. I bought us all a bible and I’ve sinned badly, I didn’t even know how to say a prayer. I searched for prayers on YouTube and that’s when I noticed prophets, preachers and found some were not righteous and how you can be so deceived by these false prophets and preachers. Matthew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” VERY SCARY! Then my youngest son said he believed then but when I began reading the Bible and praying with them he said he didn’t see the purpose. That broke my heart😭😭. Pastor Dowell, I wish I would have known you sooner. You are so wise and unbelievable. If I can’t save myself I will save my sons souls. Please pray for me and my family.🙏🏾🙏🏾