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Three weeks left in 2020, crime ravages Atlanta 'as never before'

Just three weeks to go and 2020 will go down as the year violent crime ravaged Atlanta and other major cities, just like COVID-19 is doing, and in part because of the pandemic. One veteran city leader told 11Alive on Wednesday that for the first time in her memory, every area of Atlanta is now affected directly by crime “as never before.” Atlanta’s City Council President is working to increase police pay and hire more officers. https://www.11alive.com/article/news/crime/three-weeks-left-in-2020-crime-ravages-atlanta-as-never-before/85-06332829-9410-41d7-8c9a-a8f307311fc5



brothers, pray for us here in Brazil, we don't have many guns purchasing rights, they have limited our ammunition, only those who own rural property can own a gun, in Brazil, communism and Catholicism and Christianity reign, we don't have many independent communities, people despise the laws of Yahuah women dominated by the spirit of Jezebel.