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*RIPPLE TO BECOME A BANK.. XRP & LOANS* The Merging Of Traditional Finance & XRP/Crypto Taking Place

Udemy Altcoin Ratings, Reviews, & Price Analysis Course: https://www.udemy.com/course/the-bulls-ratings-reviews-course/?referralCode=1C87D1BB46B5E2C39E1F Twitter: https://twitter.com/thebearablebull Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebearablebull/ -Kraken A Bank -Ripple Or Polysign A Bank -Miguel Vias -Brian Brooks & Regulations *I am not a financial adviser & this is not financial advice


Bro Robert

The Chinese bamboo story reminds me of growing in the love of Yah and His word, Enduring to the End! patience and walking in Faith of Yah's Word being manifested in the natural of realm of situations now and continuly to do so when SHTF

Michael Baltimore

Bless you Shepard understanding and Knowledge indeed! 🤯Wow, borrow the asset and create liquidity that way! From software company to Bank, SHEESH! Halleluyah indeed!