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Filthy Mouth Preachers

Now hear this! We all know just how religious people can be when it comes to certain traditions that they don’t want to rock the boat on. Well damit, I’m rocking the boat and every lie from hell that can be shook loose with it. So I’m asking you if you think it’s a sin for pastors to use cuss words while preaching? If you do, then you must see this! Let me bring you up to speed on something first! People will read and trust in zodiacs, be superstitious about spiting on brooms, splitting poles and about the bad luck of Friday the 13th, but will not give heed to the true word of God. These people are hypocrites and have no room to tell you what manner of speech is wicked or not coming out of the mouth true men of God! You are going to learn about cussing today boy.....