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I have been saying this for awhile! We are tired and they have started a war! Its getting ready to pop off! Everywhere! They have forced all of us to organized!



George Floyd murdered on May 25 by officer Derek Chauvin in front of onlookers. Chauvin pressed his knee into Floyd’s neck as he pleaded for his life. The other officer mocked Floyd calling him a crackhead. What are the next steps? NFAC leader delivers a strong message to Minneapolis.



So many thoughts. First for the younger folk. This is why the Black Panther Party started. To patrol Black communities and police the police. Watching every action with weapons in full display. That said, yes I feel anger and disgust. But we know police departments began hiring skinheads, neo Nazis and Klansmen. The FBI reported it decades ago. Police killing melanated people is to be expected. And of course punished. BUT. I have more anger and disgust when I think about the THOUSANDS of Black men, women and children murdered by other Blacks EVERY YEAR!! Yeah, "F" the Po Po, but DAMN!!! We need a Panther mentality to protect our communities from the murders walking among us.