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Ukranian police put down their shields & stand with their people,One day this will happen everywhere

It's great to see the police stand with the people ❤️💪 Приємно бачити, як поліція стоїть з людьми ❤️💪 Sometimes people hold a belief that is very strong, when they're presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It simply creates a very uncomfortable feeling called COGNATIVE DISSONANCE and that is because it's important to protect the core belief making you rationalise, ignore and even deny anything that doesn't fit with that core belief. Think ffs! Look at what your colleagues are doing!!! A short message to all my friends, brothers, sisters and their acquaintances who work in the Ministry of Interior, Pause for a minute and very well think that what is against the people is also against you, your children, parents, friends, relatives, etc etc... Vaccines, Microwave Radiation, Poverty, Hunger games society in general will hit you! Let's think adequately this time and act that!!! Do not stand against your fellow countrymen and Countrywomen fighting for your freedom, Far too many heroes have lost their lives for our freedoms you mustn't ever forget that... tomorrow the system will explode because it won't care about you, but people will be around you. WISDOM, LOVE and TRUTH! You can't enforce this draconian BS forever!!! something has to give, if a state of dystopia is the place where you wish to bring your children up in then carry on 'Just doing your job' but one day you'll live to regret it 💯 that I can promise. Heapy Fullsesh British Veteran 🇬🇧 NFSE!



That was a nod your head clap your hands moment right there

Trey Lang
