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Straitway truth ministries has shown that yes black men can build a community with white women

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Mip8oOPhec&t=8s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjYJJnbhH_0&t=28s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oN4Mnlq96o&t=1664s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8K5tYjunfk&t=400s



I understand the conversion of gentiles but that don't mean you're supposed to marry them lol. Just let them be saved and marry your own. If your so correct then all those MEN wouldn't have had to give up their wives and children in Nehimayah. We know men can take Scripture and do whatever the like and make it say what they want. But marrying the daughters of your oppressors and giving your daughters to their sons just sound stupid. No matter how good they look or how much they care for you. When it all boils down, it's just lust. You can pick from the daughters of Zion but they apparently don't take to you as the heathen does and that helps your decision. You can do what You want but don't insult me by calling it Lawful and scriptural. No need to reply, frankly I don't care to hear it!

Brandon McCoy

This supposedly white/black doctrine is so idiotic, its boring!