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Michelle Flowers

this is swesome! sadly my stubborn dumb ass twin sibling must hath a reprobate mind. why? i've stood, told her the truth... via scripture as well as my whole family...and now i see that they are either sound asleep under ame ch and refuse to humble and seek out the truth! and had i not left the ame ch, it could hath easily happened to me back in #Mar1983! but he,, YAh showed me the truth exactly one yr before he conformed it, on another xmas eve 1985 and stopped me again, three yrs later,....#Fr12Dec1986-2004! not celebrating xmas. then after much conviction and grace YAh gave me. It was abet from my twin to go back to celebrating under the verse in rom,14th not to judge a ppl whom exalts a day above another. Still i felt convicted, and a grateful Yah never gave up on me. even from '04-'17! So as on this Yr, 2k18!.... #byYahsGRACE! i am back on track! walking in His, Yah's prue, true, raw, truth! #HalleluYAH!

Yohoyah Ysrayl

Also, Pastor Dowell I agree these evil jackals of this present darkness do not want righteous seed coming in this world to love and serve Yah.