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 Here you have it. In my opinion, Dr. Frances Welsing destroyed this so-called man. 


Dr Frances Welsing debate Dr. William Shockley 1974

Here you have it. In my opinion, Dr. Frances Welsing destroyed this so-called man.


Zsa Zsa Rambeau

With all of his home made charts, graphs and coloring books "dr'" William Shockley failed to baffle the people with his bullshit. Dr Welsing wipe the floor with this clown without using any handwritten notes not even from an index card. Dr Frances Welsing was a brilliant woman

Paul L

SHALOM, The basic reality of physiological difference's are connected to a force cognitive learning environment. The 500 years of slavery prove that eugenic dissociation magnetism creates the indifference.. A related term is ipogenics which concludes a generational or passed down cultural perception. We understand that historically there's are predetermined aspects of mass re-directional training in cognitive dissents or a chemically induced behavioral traits. Just utilizing the color of a people instead of nationality causes a two sided or double minded response. It's two side's are for conceptually division physiologically and diminishes a spiritual foundation. The hand me downs( Generational Curses) syndrome. NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD, BUT SPIRITUAL PRINCIPALS AND PRECEPTS. Great find Brother Shepard and Much Love