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Rev't. Cecil J. Longmore Sr.

Shalom Pastor Dowel!... I hope that you are well... And in content spirit!... And your family... I've been considering this for a while... And you may be interested in it also. There is 11 acres of land with a very nice house sitting on it, a large one. With a Well... And a Stream... in the back surrounded by trees in Virginia... Would you be interested in taking it for $200,000. With all the land and everything in one piece... I really would love to have it myself but nevertheless I know that you could do far more with it. Right now I am not in position to do anything right now. Please let me know even by Steve lesperance he seems to be keeping in some kind of contact with me... I have tried to get in touch with you about it but seems like you're too busy. I think I spoke to one of your daughters one time but no one ever called me back... You know who I am... I support your patreon and we preach the same thing. I spent many years alone in this city and traveling all over the country ended up here in Harlem... So you know what's going on with that, it speaks for itself. My number again is 347-317-2686 I'm right here by the phone 24/7 I love you Dearly!... I love you All!... Selah...