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The Most High uses me to reach many different people from all walks of life. This is an example of a true conversion of a brand new Israelite woman. I met her and her husband in Troy, Michigan last month. 

It was an honor to meet them both and I am glad they are in the fold of Yah in Yahshua Jesus!

Matthew 28:19


True Conversion! Must See


Kimberly L. Carley

I have been following Pastor Dowell for almost 3 Months. Seems like a lifetime ago. I strongly recommend if you are a woman to watch at least a hundred of Pastor's teachings and then watch the helpmeet channel. I believe the Father's Set-Apart Spirit will help you.almost seamlessly become the Lady of Zion He desires you to become. Many Blessings to you and yours Pastor Dowell!!

Glenn Miller Jr

The link is not working this Saturday. It's as if the video has been taken down. I even used the search parameters on vimeo for the video title or "Pastor Dowell". Neither bore fruit in my search. You have to love technology.