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Mitt Romney went to France
George Bush Flying planes in America
Ruch Limbal had a spot on his ass!
Dick Cheney had five deferments.
Newt Grangrige Draft dodger stayed in School
Tom Delay Said all the Blacks and Latinos took his place
Bill Clinton Skipped to Canada
Donald Trump Bone spurs 4 deferments
Chicken Hawks !!!!


Ted Nugent- Vietnam Draft Dodger

Mitt Romney went to France George Bush Flying planes in America Ruch Limbal had a spot on his ass! Dick Cheney had five deferments.


Sister Tawania

Same here, I only knew because Pastor gave us that information, It's funny but they are sorry ass excuse of men. The top two funniest is the spot on his ass and the Black and Latinos took his spot. Punks and hypocrites, the dudes walking around here with the pants sagging, have more courage than Cheney and the rest of them.

stephen d sheridan

I saw from Jesse "the body". Pastor D likes truth period!